I drive up the 401 from Kitchner to Quebec 2 or 3 trips a week, I frequent the enroutes and have noticed the coat hooks broken in the stalls in many locations for years now.
My dream is I caught the guy and he didnt see it coming, while he was down I stepped on his hands hard. Is this to violent to post here?
I had a dream the other day
Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by Garththomas, Jan 8, 2025.
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WTF??? Lmfao!!!!
Dafuq you talkin' 'bout? You know, those stupid thing break on their own, don't you? Nothing worse than having your heavy winter coat fall onto a p!$$-covered floor....
The_vett Thanks this.
The_vett Thanks this.
I feel the dream was telling you, that there is someone in your life that is doing you wrong. This someone if you would open your eyes/mind you could easily see they are doing you and even others no good. Also it is someone you would have no problem over powering, whatever the overpowering may be. Take an inventory of your "friends" or associates, look at things you may not otherwise look at or for. Someone is easily doing not such good things , and they are easily seen and easily stopped. .................if I am right in a bit or in all of it let me know. Deciphering dreams is just something i do if I hear of one and it gives me ideas. This is in no way any kind of professional dream reading....LOL
broke down plumber and hope not dumb twucker Thank this. -
You're traveling through another dimension,
a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind,
a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination.
That's the signpost up ahead—your next stop, the Twilight Zone.
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