Ice Road Truckers CASTING History Channel *URGENT*

Discussion in 'Trucking Jobs' started by afkimmel, Mar 30, 2010.

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  1. afkimmel

    afkimmel Bobtail Member

    Mar 30, 2010
    My name is Andrew Kimmel and I'm currently casting a new series for The History Channel called, "Extreme Trucking" -- a spin-off of the hit History Channel show, "Ice Road Truckers" as well as the new season of "Ice Road Truckers."

    I'm reaching out to you as we're conducting an URGENT CASTING (yes, I have less than a week to find this person) to find a larger-than-life, skilled LONG-HAUL TRUCK DRIVER to appear on the new series and I felt you'd be the perfect person to speak with.

    If you have a minute, I'd love to be able to speak with you regarding the show and would appreciate any help you can give me on getting the word out.

    "EXTREME TRUCKING" was created by Original Productions and they are producing the show. Some of their other creations include: "Ice Road Truckers," "The Deadliest Catch," "The Colony" and "Monster

    As a cast member, our truckers will head to haul supplies in
    some of the world's most remote towns located high up in the Himalayan Mountains... reaching heights of 13,000 feet above sea level... also considered some of the most deadly terrain in the world.

    If you or anyone you know anyone who fits the bill and is up for the
    adventure of their life.. we'd love to hear from you ASAP!!
    but don't worry about casting it... spreading the word is the most
    important thing at the moment!!!!

    NOTE: We need to hear from them immediately as the cast and crew depart April 9th to shoot on location for up to 9 or 10 weeks.

    This is a nationwide search. Any outreach you can do, is GREATLY

    I am available by phone, email and SKYPE.

    Feel free to spread my contact information around.

    Thank you kindly!!!

    Andrew Kimmel
    Casting Director
    office: 973-477-8915
    SKYPE: andrew.kimmel
    email: andrew(AT)

    Attached Files:

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  3. Mrs T

    Mrs T Road Train Member

    Aug 5, 2008
    planet earth
  4. lovesthedrive

    lovesthedrive R.I.P.

    Nov 11, 2008
    Sorrento Maine
    Agreed. Pass on wanting to make a buck for publicity at the risk of endangering ones life.

    LOL you want extreme??? drive a truck through the slums and see how long they keep their loads before they get mugged! :biggrin_2559:
    afkimmel Thanks this.
  5. truckrace

    truckrace Bobtail Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Ljubljana, Slovenia
    pick me pick me. And in himalaya i can visit the last home of Tomaž Humar.
    The best clibmer in the world, from my Slovenia, and from my city.
    simplyred1962 and SlaveOf18Wheels Thank this.
  6. simplyred1962

    simplyred1962 Betty Boop, One Bodacious Babe!!!

    I'd volunteer my husband, but he doesn't like heights!! LOL
  7. bullhaulerswife

    bullhaulerswife Forum Leader/Admin Staff Member Administrator

    Jul 23, 2007
    Heights, think of the shifting and braking they have to do on those grades. :biggrin_25513:

    No thanks. :biggrin_25524:
    simplyred1962 Thanks this.
  8. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    Where is doyle? He would be a shoe in...:biggrin_25523:
    otherhalftw Thanks this.
  9. rookietrucker

    rookietrucker Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Jul 15, 2007
    Hmmm, I wonder what is extreme trucking ?

    18 wheeler sky diving ?

    trailer gliding ?

    driving naked in a 18 wheeler ?

    driving 24/7/365 straight ?

    truck climbing ?

    How long can you layover without freezing/sweating to death ?

    Flatbedder's play tug-a-war with chains ?

    Anymore ?
    add to the list
    afkimmel and bullhaulerswife Thank this.
  10. Jamester

    Jamester Bobtail Member

    Mar 27, 2010
    carthage, TX
    If your interested in me just give me a shout. ( 25 years behind me )
  11. truckerdave1970

    truckerdave1970 On Probation

    Dec 15, 2008
    Rochester, NY
    Stay tuned for next season:
    Trucking ON THE MOON!!!
    Mrs T, afkimmel, bulldozerbert and 8 others Thank this.
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