Bad company, discriminate against asian had a partner had to go back home to Florida because of hurricane one week I was stuck without a partner they didn't help me get a partner, so no pay no food had to go home too. I live in Nevada looking for job i apply bunch of places one company called got the email told me I was hired. Next day they called back they said I had a bad record with covenant safety termination I dont remember having a record, covenant or my supervisor didn't even gave me a explanation why they fired me, my partner left i don't know how to get another partner? What am I supposed to do stay there, pretty sure they won't feed me. Still looking for a job no trucking company will hire me because of covenant and I haven't even talk about how they don't like Asian people. I understand English I'm filipino we speak English in school back home but they talk to me like a 2 year old.
Im not a 2 year old.!!Covenant transport false report.
Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by DarwinR702, Nov 10, 2024.
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What's the rest of the story ?
Trish383, JonJon78, Fredflinstoneswig and 3 others Thank this. -
They wouldn't run as a single, for that week? Or do local work? Did you ask?
Fredflinstoneswig, bryan21384 and austinmike Thank this. -
Pull your DAC and have a look.
Fredflinstoneswig, bryan21384 and Numb Thank this. -
Why didn't you run solo? It can be done. For real.
Fredflinstoneswig, Lonesome and bryan21384 Thank this. -
I did once at a rest stop. The guy had a flat tire from one of those little weenie cars like a bug or a mini or something. He actually was carrying it. I almost declined because I am not that nice of a guy. But his wife was a cutie so I said yes. Not like I got my bones jumped. I brought him down to the next exit to a gas station and was on my way. That chick was cute though.
Last edited: Nov 10, 2024
Fredflinstoneswig, firemedic2816, TB John and 1 other person Thank this. - Request a copy of your DAC there. Basically I recommend doing that before applying to any company. This industry is rife with HR departments that will screw drivers just for leaving.
Fredflinstoneswig, Lonesome and hope not dumb twucker Thank this. -
Covenant was my first company out of school. It’s pretty difficult to get fired there so congrats
My first partner quit on home time just like yours and I ran solo for a week . They were aggressively trying to partner me with people but I wasn’t comfortable so I ended up quitting.
……. Also , you can dispute hireright / Dac . It’s easy if you have evidenceLast edited: Nov 13, 2024
Rugerfan Thanks this.
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