In trouble if I damaged co property with co truck on co time

Discussion in 'Trucker Legal Advice' started by Localtrucker1234, Dec 4, 2022.

  1. Localtrucker1234

    Localtrucker1234 Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2022
    I was recently backing a trailer into a dock driver side alley dock. And previously I had opened the doors and made sure they where open and secure. Keep in mind the company I work for has very poorly maintained trucks and trailers. So as I was backing the truck the door on my blind side for my trailer had opened because the hooks are not hooks anymore they’re just bent and do not hold the doors. As I backed into the dock I did not notice the door was open because it was on my blind side and I broke the warehouse door. My question is who is responsible for paying for the damages and can I get in any sort of trouble for this it my company had told me they would make me pay for all damages and to keep it in house. I’m very worried because I believe that it wasn’t my fault because the trailers hooks where already messed up.
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  3. austinmike

    austinmike Road Train Member

    Jul 11, 2011
    Pretty sure your company will blame you. Hopefully the punishment if any, will be minor.
  4. Localtrucker1234

    Localtrucker1234 Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2022
    I was told I would pay for the damages completely but I never signed anything that states I would pay for damages
  5. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    How far are you willing to go on this? If the company demands, right or wrong, that you pay for the damages or they'll fire you are you willing to follow that through?
    You were aware that the door latch was faulty. They, in turn, should have fixed it when it was written up. They'll try to bully you.
    Legally they have no grounds to make you pay for the door. You didn't sign a contract. They'll still try, though.

    Let us know how this works out for you.
  6. Localtrucker1234

    Localtrucker1234 Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2022
    I am quitting that job because I have not felt comfortable working with them but I felt like I didn’t have anywhere else to work. I am not worried about being fired I always write anything wrong with the truck and trailer and they told me as long as the truck runs they don’t care about what’s on the dvir and I do get paid well there but they have always been shady I’ve been told to leave the company before but I hoped I could be there just to not bounce from job to job.
  7. Localtrucker1234

    Localtrucker1234 Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2022
    Yes I was aware that it was faulty I documented it but the don’t care they try to find a way where they can pin the blame on me
  8. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014

    Like I said, a lot of what happens next is up to you. I doubt if they'd fire you just for the door if your record with them is clean. Paying for the door is going to be the sticking point.
  9. PaulMinternational

    PaulMinternational Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    I won’t get into the issues or questions about your current dilemma but will suggest that you keep a good stash of bungie’s on hand. There are many companies out there that for some reason can’t keep those hooks in good shape and never seem to remember to give them any attention during PM’s or repairs.
    Anytime you have any doubt about one holding just use a bungee and avoid the hassels like you have now.
  10. Grumppy

    Grumppy Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Dec 11, 2010
    West Monroe, La
    Just keep in mind that if you quit during this process, they may try to hold your check. In other words, they wont give you your last check. I don't think they have the right to do that but this is not my expertise.
    Just beware that they may try to hold your check & you may have to have an attorney to give them a call.

    Personally, good pay or not, you need to get away from a company that does business like this & with shotty equipment. Many companies have decent pay, you dont have to hang around there just for that.
  11. silverspur

    silverspur Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2012
    You broke the warehouse door?
    Did you take a picture of it?

    If it was me, I wouldn't quit right after doing something like that. I would give them at least a few more months of accident free driving before leaving so they can recoup their loss, if there was one.
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