Indian River Transport- The journey begins

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Deadhead75, Jun 13, 2014.

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  1. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    Yes its practical miles.
    Would I like to make more than that per mile? Yes
    Should I make more than that per mile? Yes
    I have worked for more and I have worked for less but unfortunately it is what it is and my family needs to eat.
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  3. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    So I got back to Murray, Ky and delivered the load I picked up in Coopersville, Mi and I was out of hours for the day. It was a drop and hook I dropped my full tank of cream and hooked to an empty and took my 10 hour break right there. I also took my break at the place in Coopersville, Mi. That's fine with me my truck has a built in fridge and I stocked it. All of the company trucks have them.
    I have consistently been running 550 miles a day. Anyway after delivering in Murray, Ky and taking my 10 hour break I deadheaded 370 miles to Fair Oaks Indiana to pick up a load going 400 miles to Nashville. No waiting at the dairy. It took about an hour to load.
    I also have a pre plan that picks up 30 miles from Nashville and delivers 150 miles back in Murray Ky tomorrow also.
    I will be honest, at this point I really like it. That could change but once again so far so good.
    hal380, Orange713 and realsupatrucka Thank this.
  4. realsupatrucka

    realsupatrucka Road Train Member

    Sep 25, 2013
    houston tx
    They not running those 386 petes any more
  5. The Challenger

    The Challenger Kinghunter

    Dec 22, 2007
    East Central FL
    I've seen some IRT Petes and Intl Prostars. I think they have a mixed fleet and buy whats cheapest at given times like everyone else.
  6. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    Yea they have a bunch of brand new petes and the internationals and a few freightliners like mine. I did see a few brand new KWs there too.
    I like this freightliner I am very happy with it.
    hal380 and The Challenger Thank this.
  7. realsupatrucka

    realsupatrucka Road Train Member

    Sep 25, 2013
    houston tx
    I was going to go with them....but they told me I had to have hazmat. ...I didn't understand why though for food grade...rhat was like 2 or 3 years ago...
    hal380 Thanks this.
  8. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    I have hazmat but they dont require it anymore.
  9. realsupatrucka

    realsupatrucka Road Train Member

    Sep 25, 2013
    houston tx
    O okay. ..I think it was because of tequila or something like that
  10. Bman20

    Bman20 Light Load Member

    Jul 5, 2010
    I was called today from these people and they said they do hir eout of vermont were i live, so i have copuple guestion.....1) how is the pay? and living up in the northeast how is the freight? she told me 5-7 days what is it 5 or days out? and how many days off??? do u get weekends off? when unloading do u get pay for it? they told me they would fly me down to FLorida and if I happen to resign would they fly me home?? would anyone be able to help me out?? PM or leave meesage here thks
    hal380 Thanks this.
  11. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    Pay is .37 a mile empty and loaded.
    I would assume if you can you being running a few border crossings into Canada and there is extra pay for that. They have a ton of freight in the northeast from what I understand. No load or unload pay like chemicals but the driver doesn't touch a thing.
    Yeah they will fly you down and I am sure fly you home is you resign but take it out of your last check. I would imagine they would.
    hal380 Thanks this.
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