Indian River Transport- The journey begins

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Deadhead75, Jun 13, 2014.

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  1. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    And the radios in the truck are xm ready you just have to call and hook it up. I lucked out because whoever had this truck for 60k miles had not called and got the 90 day free trial but I called and they told me so I have xm for 90 days free.
    hal380 Thanks this.
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  3. Tanker_82

    Tanker_82 Heavy Load Member

    Jun 16, 2014
    San Antonio, TX
    Cool. I have my own XM radio and a subscription that doesn't expire until January of 2015. I will just call and have it transferred to the trucks receiver. The fridge sounds awesome. I've always had the Coleman plug ins. Having a freezer will be nice.
    hal380 Thanks this.
  4. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    The fridge is my favorite part of the truck.
  5. realsupatrucka

    realsupatrucka Road Train Member

    Sep 25, 2013
    houston tx
    I heard rumors that yall trucks run 75 or is that oakley
  6. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    Ours will run 70 after about 30 minutes as long as you are not staying in the mountains. It has something to do with mpg.
    I was in a strong head wind the other day and it was 68 until I got further down the road.
  7. Bman20

    Bman20 Light Load Member

    Jul 5, 2010
    Deadhead75. I am waiting to hear on my application for this co. The recruiter said they fly me there from VT. I was wondering do you know what the turnover rate is there? What kind of truck you can drive? Do they do truck washes on the road? I am still little nervous giving my answer due to the lady two OTR places I went to lasted me 6 weeks each So any info u can help or give me would be great
  8. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    Yeah they will fly you there from Vt.
    If I had to guess their turnover rate is probably high like most companies but I am running into quite a few drivers that have been with them for a while.
    I have a 2014 Freightliner with 65k on it, so brand new.
    I like it here, so far. They give you loads and let you do your job.
    I know they do have northeast freight and loads going into Canada. I am running milk and cream in the midwest and I hope I continue.
    hal380 Thanks this.
  9. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    Yes they do truck washes. I haven't been to a truck wash yet because the places I have delivered cream and milk to, wash me out there.
    hal380 Thanks this.
  10. Dogals right foot

    Dogals right foot Road Train Member

    Mar 2, 2013
    The Dreaded Northeast
    Wait til you get stuck waiting for a load or a empty or even a detention pay will hurt.

    No EZ up clean trailers to teams..the list goes on.

    Paper logs and nice equipment will only carry you so far.

    I wish any of you going with IRT the best of'll need it!
    hal380 and stabob Thank this.
  11. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    I have had to wait with vans and reefers and never got paid detention. It happens.
    True no ez pass but they have people that like to run the east coast. I told them I like the midwest and thats where I have been running.
    Also I have a new truck and e logs and 3100 miles last week.
    Also thank you for wishing me luck.
    Like I said so far so good. I like the company.
    hal380 Thanks this.
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