I-70 rest stop in Indiana to close until 2027, will reopen with 156 truck parking spaces
Indiana renovating another rest area into much bigger facilities
Discussion in 'Truckers News' started by drvrtech77, Jan 19, 2025.
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So when it’s done it will have about the same amount of parking that it currently has?
The_vett and motocross25 Thank this. -
The_vett, motocross25 and JonJon78 Thank this.
Do not recomend parking there unless you have no other choice. Place needs a serious redesign and expansion to be around 3 or 4 times the size.The_vett, motocross25, JonJon78 and 2 others Thank this. -
Horrible parking aside, the worst thing about the Plainfield ones is no room to pick up speed before merging.
The_vett, Bean Jr., motocross25 and 2 others Thank this. -
The new/renovated truck stop should have valet parking.
The_vett Thanks this. -
The_vett Thanks this.
No....gotta be something else.
Flat Earth Trucker Thanks this. -
The_vett, stwik and Flat Earth Trucker Thank this.
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