International LT 2025 NO IDLE

Discussion in 'International Forum' started by TruckerChick1, Jan 20, 2025.

  1. TruckerChick1

    TruckerChick1 Bobtail Member

    Dec 29, 2021
    How do you sleep with the no idle at night when the winter weather is 0 to 30 below? Is it safe, will you truck start in the morning or be gelled up?? Really worried about this in Minnesota this week as it's COLD. Going to be way below 0, and don't want to freeze to death in a truck that won't start in the AM. I've ask dealerships and they say " it should be fine, you should be able to just use the no idle". I'm really skeptical on that. Any one use this system all night with their truck off and it starts just fine in the morning when it's this cold?? Thank you
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  3. RustyBolt

    RustyBolt Road Train Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    Bement, IL
    I have a bunk heater that does a good job. However, once temps drop below a certain point, my truck doesn't get shut off. Add plenty of anti-gel and airline antifreeze regardless.

    Edit: didn't notice this is in the Int forum. My truck isn't an Int. But I'd do the same if it was.
    Arctic_fox and TruckerChick1 Thank this.
  4. TruckerChick1

    TruckerChick1 Bobtail Member

    Dec 29, 2021
    So you wouldn't trust the no idle either is what you are saying? I just can't imagine what would keep the fuel from gelling up. There are no lines to circulate in the fuel tanks or def tank , so how do they think it will start up when it's 20 or 30 below.
  5. Arctic_fox

    Arctic_fox Experienced mx13 execrator

    Sep 16, 2016
    Well on my lonestar and my pete before i use anti-gel additive. If you CORRECTLY treat your fuel per instructions then it will start up to around -20 reliably as long as your batterys arent trash. Most modern trucks have fuel preheaters and such that make it pretty easy to get them started if you cycle the truck. If you DONT treat the fuel your kinda boned though.

    Though my personal rule is below 15 i leave it running if i dont have an APU that circulates fuel and coolant. And below -10 i leave it running no matter what. Mostly because my old truck was a peice of crap that was about as reliable as a politicians word at the BEST of times. My new truck i could likely get away with more once i get an APU installed.
    TruckerChick1 Thanks this.
  6. FLHT

    FLHT Road Train Member

    Aug 2, 2014
    Why even put yourself in that position ?
    It will cost you more than the fuel it used overnight to get it started.
    I have been told you will wake up before you freeze to death...
    TruckerChick1 Thanks this.
  7. TruckerChick1

    TruckerChick1 Bobtail Member

    Dec 29, 2021
    thank you, this truck I'm driving is a rental and I don't know anything about it other than it's a 2025 LT with all of the bells and whistles. No idle works great on it down south and up north so far, but this week is going to be brutal. I have been treating the fuel all week plus put 66 gallons of number 1 in it on friday before I got home, so it had 3 hours to circulate and mix properly. I have left the no idle on all weekend and plugged it in. But once I leave tomorrow it won't be plugged in anymore. I'm just worried it won't start in the morning in Iowa after no idle all nite and It won't set the idle up. Or if there is a way, I don't know how to do it. My Lonestar sets up very well no problem, but this LT is just different. It does have a preheater, but that's it. Just looking for words of wisdom. Thank you
  8. Arctic_fox

    Arctic_fox Experienced mx13 execrator

    Sep 16, 2016
    Honestly if you are worried, call the rental company and ask them how to bump the RPMs up or if its even nessesary. Some of those rentals have weird settings. If it wont stay idled at all. Ask them to override the shut down due to the extreme weather conditions.

    That said unless its below -20 id not worry about it. Especially with #1. I live in SD and if i throw #1 in. Then that truck....or any equipment to be frank will start down to the heat death of the universe nearly. Howes is rated to -40 if correctly treated but i always have issues much past -20 so i idle at -10 just because its cheaper then a tow.
    TruckerChick1 Thanks this.
  9. drivingmissdaisy

    drivingmissdaisy Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2019
    If your truck has an auto idle shutoff you can usually just pull the red knob (assuming you have a trailer) and keep the yellow knob pushed in. I know this is how you override the 5min idle shutoff in my Volvo.
  10. tarmadilo

    tarmadilo Road Train Member

    Dec 12, 2018
    I’m driving a 2025 International LT, too, and the idle shut off doesn’t happen when it’s very cold out. I was in Denver on Monday night (2° F) and it idled all night.
  11. TruckerChick1

    TruckerChick1 Bobtail Member

    Dec 29, 2021
    This LT doesn't shut off, it will idle, but runs at 5000 rpm. And the engine gets below 150. Not good according to old school. That's why I would like to know how to bump it up. Thanks for any help
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