Interstate distributor Freedom board anybody making money

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by shawnbfromjersey, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. MicksRule

    MicksRule Medium Load Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Apple Valley, CA
    Really? I know a couple guys here that just leased that live in Washington.
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  3. SCar72

    SCar72 Light Load Member

    Read above and I believe this was already stated. But you can sure bet there is something in it for them. Be it a cheaper Hauler or a "Kick-Back" of some sorts, they are getting something out of it.
  4. MicksRule

    MicksRule Medium Load Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Apple Valley, CA
    Generally, yes.

    I actually did a lease with Knight Refrigerated and did very well. I could never understand how someone couldn't make it through their program. I could have if I decided to stay and I know a few that have paid off their trucks.

    The lease companies Interstate uses, I usually recommend someone run from them. I went to Lone Mountain before and then a second time when I was at Landstar. That's the truck I run now.
    ChuckTaylor13 Thanks this.
  5. SCar72

    SCar72 Light Load Member

    Because of Washington's idea of what a Contract Employee versus a Normal Employee is. 1099 -vs- W2. There are two other States with the same idea.
  6. SCar72

    SCar72 Light Load Member

    Glad to hear it worked for you. However everyone has a different idea of what "Did pretty well" is. For me, as a Company Driver, anything under $1,200/wk is a waste of my time. Been making over $1,200 since 1998. Went into Trucking in 2012.

    If I were to do a Lease, anything under $1,400 would be a waste of my time and effort.
    poppapump1332 Thanks this.
  7. MicksRule

    MicksRule Medium Load Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Apple Valley, CA
    They'll get the same % I will. They do get another driver to haul their freight. That's it, really.
  8. MicksRule

    MicksRule Medium Load Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Apple Valley, CA
    I did better than this. I did better than most of their long time guys with trucks paid for. But I will do better than most anywhere I went. Not an ego thing. I'm a numbers guy.
    ChuckTaylor13 and redoctober83 Thank this.
  9. SCar72

    SCar72 Light Load Member

    Most of a Drivers luck or not is in how their DM will dispatch them. I myself am not a people person and will crawl a DM in a heartbeat. You can do everything perfectly, if your DM is bad at their job (most are) or dislikes you, you wont to well.
  10. SCar72

    SCar72 Light Load Member

    That's what I mean by cheaper Hauler. 68% isn't that great. I read many times where other Companies are offering 70-75% of what is Billed to Customer. My friend at LTI was even offered 80 something % Billed to Customer by a man trying to get him to work with him.
  11. SCar72

    SCar72 Light Load Member

    Those are minium amounts.
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