Interstate distributor Freedom board anybody making money

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by shawnbfromjersey, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. redoctober83

    redoctober83 Road Train Member

    Sep 10, 2013
    Seattle, wa
    Not sure. Couldn't ever get a recruiter to return a call or answer the phone. I'm sure it has something to do with state regulations and all.
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  3. redoctober83

    redoctober83 Road Train Member

    Sep 10, 2013
    Seattle, wa
    When I looked into them earlier this year the website stated no Washington state residents and 2 other states that can't remember were not allowed on in the program
  4. MicksRule

    MicksRule Medium Load Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Apple Valley, CA
    As you should know and I think it has already been said, it's a number. Is the customer direct or is the customer a broker? I won't sit and argue this. 80% of $2.00 or 68% of $3.00? I won't imply all of my loads are based on $3.00 either, just an example.
  5. MicksRule

    MicksRule Medium Load Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Apple Valley, CA
    Only at Knight did I have an actual dispatcher. I had more than one crappy dispatcher while I was there. I still did what I needed to do to make money and it wasn't luck that I did it.
  6. CasanovaCruiser

    CasanovaCruiser Road Train Member

    Jun 2, 2015
    @SCar72 @MicksRule
    As someone else pointed out to me on here the only thing that matters is profit.

    It doesn't matter if the company takes 30% or 60%, all that matters is your profit at the end of the day.

    If a company could do the leg work to get steady contracts at $6/mile, 50% doesn't seem so bad.
    If it's a #### company that fights over $1.50/mile spot freight 100% would still suck.

    Got it? You guys are arguing over the wrong ####.
  7. MicksRule

    MicksRule Medium Load Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Apple Valley, CA
    I agree 100%.

    Which is what I was saying above.

    Btw, there was no arguing. Simple discussion.
  8. SCar72

    SCar72 Light Load Member

    You are very correct. However, before a Driver signs on with a Company, the only thing one would know is the "Number"/amount being offered. Someone just tells you they will offer you 50% and another Company says they will offer you 75%, which would you think is a better deal? Of course Freight prices are all over the board, so nobody has a real indication of what they will make. That leaves most to go with the higher offer. Especialy true when they say the Percentage paid is from the Bill they send to the Customer. Yes, one can and should do the research before signing on to any Carrier. There is always a better deal down the road if one is willing to look and wait for it.
  9. SCar72

    SCar72 Light Load Member

    Sounds like you are very good at what you do then. Most I see and read about aren't as intelligent as you. You may want to help that Chasing Andrew guy out some?
  10. MicksRule

    MicksRule Medium Load Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Apple Valley, CA
    Both Quality and Cure have a list of companies they will allow the truck to run for. You are allowed to choose which one from their list.

    I don't use either of those companies and as long as my payments are made, I can take my truck anywhere I want.
    redoctober83 Thanks this.
  11. viper822004

    viper822004 Medium Load Member

    Jul 25, 2014
    Sucks. I was thinking of leasing with interstate but if the numbers are that low then no. As a company driver I currently average 1600 per week and home everyday. I guess I'll wait till I save
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