IRT Indian River Transport $1500 BONUS

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by truckerjosh2011, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. HotH2o

    HotH2o Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2012
    Jabber is an odd duck but that's why I like him.
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  3. wsyrob

    wsyrob Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Winston Salem
    Companies pay you to sit to guarantee a check that you can live on. If I am away from home, away from my family sitting in a truck I expect to get paid something for my time. Its the companies job to keep me moving. If they can't, I expect to be compensated. Lack of freight in the area isn't my problem. Deadhead me to the house, load me in a reasonable time frame or pay me to wait for a load.
    RookieJ1987, ncdriver1, jte and 2 others Thank this.
  4. RogerThat72

    RogerThat72 Road Train Member

    Jan 30, 2014
    That why I love the union. I mean I would rather be turning and earning but after tomorrow. I'll be sitting.

    But I'll get paid 8 hrs @ 18.56 per hour after 15 hours plus 43 for sleeping in the truck.

    It's better then nothing and it hardly happens but it does happen and I'd rather get something then nothing.
  5. Jabber1990

    Jabber1990 Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2013
    Jackson, MO
    DO NOT get me started on Unions. I don't like them and think they need to he disbanded
  6. Jabber1990

    Jabber1990 Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2013
    Jackson, MO
    "Pay me to do nothing"

    So, welfare then?
  7. Sneakerfix

    Sneakerfix Heavy Load Member

    Apr 22, 2015
  8. wsyrob

    wsyrob Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Winston Salem
    Hardly. Never took a dime of government money in the 45 or so years I have been working. Can you say the same?

    Companies who value employees and want to keep them have policies in place to insure they get paid. You see they hire a higher class of person who expects to be compensated for their time. My home is not my truck so if I am stuck somewhere in my truck I am working.
    Sneakerfix Thanks this.
  9. wsyrob

    wsyrob Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Winston Salem
    Find a better company then. Its as easy as sending you a tankwash message to your home terminal. I can't count how many times I have been deadheaded over 500 miles to the house. Superior pays around $160 per 24 hours if you babysit the truck waiting for a load. They would rather have you sit at home when freight is slow so they don't have to pay you.
    scythe08 and Sneakerfix Thank this.
  10. RogerThat72

    RogerThat72 Road Train Member

    Jan 30, 2014
    Today's a holiday. I get 8 hrs paid @ 15.56 per hour.
    Then 15 hrs no dispatch pay @ 8 hrs X 18.56 per hr

    Plus 43 dollars for sleeping in the truck.

    Can't wait for Sunday. 12 hrs @ 18.56 + 15 hrs no dispatch 8 hrs X 18.56 plus 43 for sleeping in the truck.

    No other company pays like that lol
  11. Jabber1990

    Jabber1990 Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2013
    Jackson, MO
    if you have to be bribed to sleep in a truck then you aren't serious about your job

    if you have to be bribed to do the right thing then you have no purpose in a job. thats whats wrong with society today
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