Heading to Pageland SC from Washington State. Both company and personal GPS has me routed through i40 where Helene wiped out the road. I see Google maps shows i26 open but not sure if trucks are allowed at this time. Is i26 open to Asheville and is i40 open east of Ashevill for full trucks?
I rarely run southeast so haven't kept up with the roads.
Is i26 from Kingsport TN to Ashville NC open to trucks?
Discussion in 'Truckers' Weather & Road Conditions' started by LowBeam, Dec 30, 2024.
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Yes I-26 is open for trucks.....I-40 is not.
Suspect Zero and LowBeam Thank this. -
As of this past weekend it was still 1 lane in each direction. I believe no oversize loads over 10ft, although google says 12ft. I cant find anything on the NC DOT website stating that anything over 10ft wide is allowed. No overweight loads.
Numb Thanks this. -
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