I've been dying of a back ache, do the gel cushions help?

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Lloydsteven, Sep 1, 2024.

  1. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    Chiropractors? Do you really want to trust your body and your health to a person that didn't have the grades to get into a regular medical school?
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  3. Brandt

    Brandt Road Train Member

    Sep 17, 2012
    Seen these on Amazon, thought about getting one myself. The standard truck seat cushions don’t last to long
    silverspur Thanks this.
  4. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Two of my neighbors did that. Went to Thailand to a condo complex where most living there are older guys from the USA drawing Social Security and some also have a smaller pension from where they worked. They get room service like in a hotel and there's a medical clinic in the building, plus a restaurant.
    I don't know the name of the place.
    Edit: Another friend of mine, retired 0/0 from Alaska, moved to Vietnam to a similar place as those that went to Thailand. Has the room service, restaurant, medical clinic, recreation room where he plays pool almost every day. The complex is also beachfront.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2024
    The_vett and silverspur Thank this.
  5. 50WT

    50WT Road Train Member

    Dec 26, 2015
    I can at 68 , actually easier than pull-ups. I've had both arms broken when I was 17 . I've got 2 plates in right arm , had a car fall on me got busted up pretty good. I guess because of that the chin-ups are easier on me. I can't do many ,but I can still do some.
  6. zinita17601

    zinita17601 Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2010
    lancaster pa
    Im sorry i didnt elaborate on that:its a chin up bar not used to do chin ups.instead there is a belt hanging from it that goes around a person chest and allows the lower body to be suspended in the air decompressing the spine using just gravity,kind of the opposite of an inversion table which is very uncomfortable.
    I think they sell it in amazon now,
    TripleSix and silverspur Thank this.
  7. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    I did but I know there's some quacks practicing it. I literally couldn't stand up a little over a year ago. It's a scary feeling. Sciatica aint no joke. I've never had pain like that before or since and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Chiropractor got me back in great shape along with a lot of physical therapy. 6 months of it actually. I couldn't even move to attempt physical therapy before several adjustments from my chiropractor. I feel like it saved my life because I was to the point I didn't what I was going to do anymore. It's a helpless feeling.
    The_vett, Tropsnart, Numb and 4 others Thank this.
  8. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    The benefit of the chin-up bar comes from hanging, not pulling yourself up, on the bar.
    The_vett Thanks this.
  9. Rocknrollingfarm

    Rocknrollingfarm Bobtail Member

    Sep 2, 2024
    I had some problems with sciatic pain going down my leg. Seems vitamin B and D help a lot
  10. 50WT

    50WT Road Train Member

    Dec 26, 2015
    It most certainly is a terrible pain. Wife and I were in Pigeon Forge for granddaughters birthday. I had helped a friend roll some big pieces of logs around to a splitter the day before. Was a little sore night before, next morning it took me over a hour to get dressed with the wife's help. Got to a walk in clinic and thank goodness the Doctor had suffered from sciatica himself. Gave me a shot and pack of steroids he sent this info to my Doctor at home in Georgia because it took 2 more spots to get back to normal. I was down for over a month. You're correct, I wouldn't wish this stuff on my worst enemy.
    rollin coal Thanks this.
  11. TripleSix

    TripleSix God of Roads

    Apr 10, 2009
    Copied in Hell
    I understand what he meant. Was just asking if he could do a chin up.
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