I've got (2) 20' loaded containers from LAX to JAX

Discussion in 'Intermodal Trucking Forum' started by TrailerTrashDood, Nov 10, 2024.

  1. TrailerTrashDood

    TrailerTrashDood Bobtail Member

    Nov 10, 2024
    Did someone reply to me that they wanted info about this load, with their Email?
    I thought I saw it but I got back here and it's gone.
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  3. Oxbow

    Oxbow Road Train Member

    Nov 24, 2015
    Maybe look in your Inbox. I wouldn't want my email on the open forum.
    TrailerTrashDood Thanks this.
  4. TrailerTrashDood

    TrailerTrashDood Bobtail Member

    Nov 10, 2024
    That's a great idea, of course I didn't even know that I had one...
    Oxbow Thanks this.
  5. wis bang

    wis bang Road Train Member

    Jan 12, 2011
    Levittown, PA
    Absolutely correct BUT I mentioned looking for a carrier on both coasts who might look to reposition a pair of these.

    This would haul any reasonably heavy 20 coast to coast without any scale problems.

    Those rear, empty only, pins were a problem when we first got these when I caught guys mounting a loaded 20 on these instead of taking the time to drop them and slide the chassis back.

    Others would slide back against these.

    I know the drawings and notices I posted are still on the wall by dispatch
  6. striker

    striker Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2009
    Denver, Co
    Assuming your combined gross weights of both containers does not exceed 44,000 lbs(yes, I know most flatbed haulers can probably do 46K, but I'm adding in a fudge margin) they can both be loaded on a single flatbed or stepdeck (assuming the driver knows how to load them properly), they cannot be loaded on a single container chassis.

    One side point to this, I'm also assuming your center of gravity in both containers is on the bottom and not up high, if it's up high then that will create more of a stability problem on a flatbed than on a stepdeck.
  7. striker

    striker Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2009
    Denver, Co
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