Kenworth plastic dash tabs broken

Discussion in 'Kenworth Forum' started by swtraver, Mar 11, 2023.

  1. swtraver

    swtraver Bobtail Member

    Apr 6, 2013
    I have an 05 Kenworth W900L. The plastic dash tabs that the screws thread into which hold the individual gauge panels are broken off. These are the panels that hinge up from the bottom and are secured at the top with two screws. This seems like it is probably a common thing because all 4 panels have the same issue and the previous owner created some modifications that work but not well. Has anyone found a way to resolve this issue?
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  3. Cordel1

    Cordel1 Bobtail Member

    Oct 9, 2017
    I have had the exact thing on the T800 that I drive. I've found the best way is to get a package of small black screws (to match the dash) with washers attached. Drill a small pilot on an angle into the corner of the dash. (the dash is thicker there) Hand tighten the screw into the hole. The washer will catch the corner of the aluminum dash panel, holding it firmly in place. This doesn't look that bad and it makes for tightly held dash rattles!! Hopefully this works for you.
    swtraver Thanks this.
  4. Joyce's Volvo

    Joyce's Volvo Light Load Member

    Jun 28, 2016
    You could install some rivnuts , is the holes square or round where the plastic tabs go? Square ,then get speed nuts ,problem solved, they’ll work on the round holes just as well. You can get threaded or for sheet metal screws.
    swtraver Thanks this.
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