Hello drivers, hope everyone is doing well. I was recently browsing Craigslist Transportation jobs when I came across KKW Trucking in Pomona, Ca. I have looked into this company before, they used to require two years of experience but now they offer training for students who already have their class A and doubles endorsement. I have some question regarding KKW and their orientation process. I already did my interview, drug test, 100lb pull test, and physical examination required for KKW. Yesterday they formally offered me a position as a student )since I have less than two years or experience) and an orientation date for this Monday May 20th. During my interview I asked several question I had regarding their company which were answered, I had a few more for drivers on this forum who might work for or be familiar with KKW.
I have the list of item I'll need for orientation. I was wondering what is covered in their two day orientation, what do they test student drivers on? When do they do their road test? What do they look for on their road test? Do they do a backing test? Do they do written tests? Pre-trip test? In cab test? Air brake test? It's been two years since I've driven a truck or been tested on anything regarding one, I only had a couple months at Schneider almost two years ago. After their orientation you go out with a trainer for 2-3 weeks so maybe a lot of this stuff is covered with the trainer then tested on after the training period? What could have you sent home from orientation?
My other questions are regarding pay. During the training period the pay is $400 a week, seems pretty standard. After training inexperienced solos start at $0.31 CPM. I asked the guy interviewing my about miles and he said they want their trucks to move no less than 2300 miles or so a week. So I was wondering what drivers at KKW are actually getting in terms of miles and $$ per week.
My final questions are regarding routes. KKW runs Western 11 states only, which is what attracted me to this company in the first place. So I wanted to know what are some standards runs someone from Southern California might run and how often could one realistically expect home time (their ad said out 7-10 days, home 2)
So that is all the questions I have at this time regarding KKW, thank you for your time.
KKW Trucking Pomona, Ca Orientation
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Bonchez, May 15, 2013.
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i heard good comnt about the company in california area buttt i dont know is true
Update for those looking for information on KKW:
I'm home from day one of orientation. The day started at 8 AM, when I first arrived I filled out several pages of paper work. The paper work consisted of the usual stuff; tax stuff, life insurance, and the other typical paper work one would do at most trucking companies. I was the only student in the class, so I had one on one training. We went over power points about company policy, watched several short videos, and kept a log book. Lunch was whenever I was hungry which was around 11:30 AM, I had a quick lunch at the Carl's Junior up the road. After I ate I drove to the nearest Wells Fargo so I could get the paper work I needed for direct deposit.
After lunch we went into the Southern California heat to learn how to couple and uncouple doubles. My instructor showed me how to hook and unhook doubles, after which I had to unhook then hook the trailers on my own. It took me a while to get the process down but I did it with minimal help. After the trailers were setup the road test began.
The road test was pretty standard I guess, they test to see if you are safe and trainable. For me it has been almost two years since I drove a truck and I didn't do it for very long when I did. I was pretty rusty on shifting, mainly downshifting. I'd say I was pretty horrible at downshifting actually. With that said I did pass, I made decent turns, scanned my mirrors often and was safe overall. I know I had a few P.O.ed four wheelers behind me but oh well. But yeah I started doing better at up shifting when I was told to stop using the clutch (having only been a student before I was used to double clutching).
From what I can tell after day one KKW is a great company to work for. I met so many friendly people there in just one day. Tomorrow is day two of orientation and on Wednesday my trainer should be around to pick me up and then I'll go from there.PaulL, The Challenger, Gunner710 and 1 other person Thank this. -
good post, like learning about what to expect...
I should also note that for my road test I was pulling the set of doubles I had just hooked up, so be prepared for this as a student going in.
Anymore updates driver? You have me intrigued.
Hey. My husband has been there for a few months now. He is only getting like 1500 to 1800 miles per week average. Lots of run around stuff and wait time. Insurance cost was $1327 a month for a family, which of course we can't afford. Do the math, he would barely make much more than that. So this is his first year and so he is just trying to hang in there until something better comes along. He has to wait on hold to get thru to dispatch, one time it was actually over 2 hours when he finally hung up frustrated. The gas card isn't working properly and when he needs to get gas it costs him at least an extra hour or two delay to get dispatch to get his fuel card "opened up". They offer no excuse and it seems to be the way it is, at least for him. The only decent thing is that he doesn't have to do team driving, and he gets to come home about once a week. So because of that he is trying to stick with it. I pray for something better.
TNTHARLEY Thanks this. -
Hey how is it going with them? How many days are you out usually? I'm trying to make the decision whether to go with them or not
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