Knight Orientation Pay:$150.00 for Three Long Days!

Discussion in 'Knight' started by Surfer Joe, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Surfer Joe

    Surfer Joe Heavy Load Member

    Feb 27, 2011
    Cape Ann, Massachusetts
    Because people actually think like this; the 'bar' is getting lower every day for the rest of us.
    Low self esteem, along with an extra helping of low self worth seems to have really grown to epidemic proportions here in our fading republic; a condition that has not gone unnoticed by those whom would take full advantage.....
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  3. Surfer Joe

    Surfer Joe Heavy Load Member

    Feb 27, 2011
    Cape Ann, Massachusetts
    I know!

    Can you believe that someone might actually be saying that being paid several dollars per hour less than the legal minimum wage is not only substandard, but also an example of exploitation and cheating as well?

    And also that as a direct result of these deceptive and disrespectful practices, these company 'policies' are setting a direct precedent for similar practices in any possible driver/employer relationship...... As long as anyone is weak and desperate and misinformed enough to accept them.

    The screwing starts right away and gets worse with time; hence drivers are bailing out faster than the companies can say,
    "Keep up the good work! That penny a mile bonus is as good as yours!"

    The nerve of some people that actually expect an honest day's pay for an honest day's work.
    Whadduya think, fella?
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2017
  4. Scooter Jones

    Scooter Jones Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    Hey buddy, here's how the real world works. No one who attends Knight Transportation's orientation had a gun put to their head.

    I asked you how much should Knight pay perspective employees for orientation, you never answered. Keep in mind, just because you attend orientation, doesn't mean you're an employee.

    Self esteem is the stuff of utopians who live mostly in a make believe world where one thinks someone owes them something just because.

    I was grateful for my job at May. I learned a lot, drove nice equipment and was able to pull myself out of a real financial predicament over a couple of years driving OTR for them. In spite of being paid $50 a day for a 3 day boring orientation.

    I moved on and upward these past 7 years in this industry. No one ever handing me anything on a silver platter.

    I've worked hard and smart to get to where I am now as an independent owner operator.

    Save your self esteem spiel for some other blowhard ;-)
    nredfor88, Naptown, spyder7723 and 5 others Thank this.
  5. Fajo

    Fajo The Dark Knight

    Jan 26, 2013
    Boise, ID
    Knight only pays if your hired. Other then that your shipped home on a bus if the terminals budget allows it.

    Just chimed in to point out that point was kind of moot.
    EatYourVeggies and G13Tomcat Thank this.
  6. OverDrive

    OverDrive "A Watchman on the Walls"

    Dont forget 3 days of "free" sack lunches!!
    EatYourVeggies Thanks this.
  7. Broke Down 69

    Broke Down 69 Road Train Member

    Jul 3, 2016
    Concord NC
    What do I think? I think you need to find another line of work.

    Sowflakes...makes my butt hurt.
    spyder7723, 91B20H8 and cnsper Thank this.
  8. Scooter Jones

    Scooter Jones Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    Which point is moot? The OP's headline says Knight only pays $150 for 3 long days of orientation ;-)

    You're right, these companies won't pay anything if they don't end up hiring you. Perspective employees are sent packing all the time during these orientations.

    Dirty pee tests, failed basic driving skills, concealed and false information submitted on applications that are found out, etc.
    Broke Down 69 Thanks this.
  9. Dave_in_AZ

    Dave_in_AZ Road Train Member

    May 4, 2015
    Pintlehook Thanks this.
  10. Dave_in_AZ

    Dave_in_AZ Road Train Member

    May 4, 2015
    You have a future as a DM or an OM.
    Broke Down 69 and scottied67 Thank this.
  11. scottied67

    scottied67 Road Train Member

    Mar 14, 2010
    california norte
    Ultimately the CDL is worth several million dollars to the driver over a career. The cleaner the driver's record, the more opportunity to earn bigger dollars per year. Keep your eye on the long term ball not next week's paycheck by speeding through the work school fuel zone today.
    cnsper Thanks this.
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