Koch Foods review about load time.

Discussion in 'Shippers & Receivers - Good or Bad' started by Anonymousproxy, Oct 30, 2024.

  1. Anonymousproxy

    Anonymousproxy Road Train Member

    Mar 2, 2015
    It’s pretty much a crapshoot there. Couple times I picked up there I got loaded and out not even an hour past appointment. This time I spent half the day waiting. Also there’s the shipping clerk who has a tendency to blow up and yell at the top of his lungs if you dare politely ask him a question.
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  3. DannyB

    DannyB Medium Load Member

    Apr 13, 2008
    Jackson Mi
    I've delivered there many times in the past. Never had any problems. Of course, I was delivering soybean oil in a food grade tanker.
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