Landstar is getting cheap.

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by nightgunner, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. PPNLE

    PPNLE Road Train Member

    Jun 15, 2017
    St. Paul, MN
    However much works for you.

    Full disclosure, I'm a broker. But, there's reasons why some folks will go to Florida at any rate, and I don't know their business strategies from anyone else.
    bryan21384 Thanks this.
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  3. DUNE-T

    DUNE-T Road Train Member

    May 10, 2015
    Detroit, MI
    Just add 700 miles to the trip and go from there. So lets say its a Detroit to Miami load, its 1400 miles, add 700 miles deadhead to it and quote for 2100 miles.
    For this kind of run I would ask for $5200 for a regular 1 and 1, under 40klb, dry van load
    DSK333, SL3406, KB3MMX and 3 others Thank this.
  4. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    $3 a mile is not high that is a normal going rate to Florida for most reefer freight all the time. Van freight is a little less at times, many times a lot less, but sometimes on par with reefer rates to there. The money is too thin at that rate IMO and as a result I don't book many loads to there for being too high. I miss out on LOTS of $3 a mile loads to there weekly. I only go there a couple of dozen times a year on better than round trip rates. My game plan is to always win when I go to Florida and that's exactly what I do.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
    DSK333, KB3MMX, Ruthless and 1 other person Thank this.
  5. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    Ok cool. So the idea is that the load would have to pay at minimum $3.50 per mile going into Florida, in order to cover
    KB3MMX Thanks this.
  6. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    I accidentally posted without finishing my thought but I was saying a load would have to pay at minimum $3.50 per mile to Florida in order to take a punch of a deadhead to Atlanta
    KB3MMX Thanks this.
  7. spyder7723

    spyder7723 Road Train Member

    Mar 31, 2013
    sarasota, fl
    That would depend on the origin, the farther the load goes the less per mile you need to charge.
  8. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    Pardon so many questions but I'm only asking for educational purposes. Just to take a run, assuming you stay in the money areas, what you say would be a starter rate (per mile) to turn a profit?
  9. spyder7723

    spyder7723 Road Train Member

    Mar 31, 2013
    sarasota, fl
    I want 500 a day to the truck after immediate expenses(fuel and tolls). I dont fixate on the per mile. 5 bucks a mile sounds great, but on 100 miles or under that rate sucks unless you can do 2 a day. Not enough enough profit in it. 400 a day is only acceptable if I'm back home before lunch. 2.50 a mile sounds like crap, but on 500 miles that's an even thousand bucks after fuel.
    bryan21384 and DSK333 Thank this.
  10. KB3MMX

    KB3MMX Road Train Member

    Dec 29, 2014
    Orrstown, PA
    $500 profit after expenses should be dirt minimum. If you get decent rates you should be bringing home $1,000+ a day after expenses.

    I like to be around $1700 a day GROSS or better. Good days will be $2500+(NYC&Produce)

    Put the pieces together however they fit.... Long haul or TWO day trips @$700 or more... Minimum.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2018
    Reason for edit: Highlight GROSS pay amt
    DSK333 and Ruthless Thank this.
  11. DUNE-T

    DUNE-T Road Train Member

    May 10, 2015
    Detroit, MI
    After $400 driver salary, you are only left with $100. This is not enough. It has to be $750 and up after fuel.
    With the way prices have been lately, it's not hard to do a $1000
    DSK333 Thanks this.
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