Lease operator for act(american central transport)

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by pete3871, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. BigKid2

    BigKid2 Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2008
    One thing also is the numbers he is giving is most likely after .07 per mile is already deducted for his maintenance account. When his lease is up there will most likely be enough in there to cover the buyout payment.

    I know I make over .60 a mile after expenses and maintenance account is already taken out. Are company drivers doing better than me too? Am I getting screwed over also?
    Stoney Thanks this.
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  3. pete3871

    pete3871 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Thanks Bigkid,you're right.My numbers do not include the .07 cents that goes into my maint. acct.I kinda figure that as a expense.I was told as you've stated in your post that most guys maint. acct's balance at the end of the lease should or will be close to paying the buyout balance which in my case is 12,000 dollars.Bigkid has been with ACT for almost a yr. now and seems to like it just fine.He's doing alot better than I am.I started at the slowest time of yr. for trucking and expected it to be slow.With only averaging around 2100 miles per week for the last 6 weeks and averaging 1000 dollars net,while also paying a truck pmt and the other fixed cost,I'm more than happy so far
    Stoney Thanks this.
  4. BigKid2

    BigKid2 Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2008
    No problem at all. I just get tired of the blanket statements that you will not make any money in a lease purchase and they are all scams. Yes a lot of them are but not all of them.
    Stoney Thanks this.
  5. Stoney

    Stoney Medium Load Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    Sounds like pretty good numbers for the slow season. But my question is this. At time of the buyout. And you only have 12 or 15K in you maint acct, would be smart to drain you maint acct at that point? IMO, i would finance that 12K. Thats an easy $300 or $400 a month compared to the $2280 your paying now. I mean you can always continue paying that $2280, and payoff the 12K faster.

    Just my opinion though. I'm a lowloy ol company driver with ABF. But I love this type of discussions. ABF may lay me off tommrow, and I'm always wanting to learn in case I find myself leasing a truck. Because I know I don't want to be company guy in truckload.
  6. pete3871

    pete3871 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Yeah Stoney thats a good point.One of the other drivers in orientation asked if you could increase the amount you put in your maint. acct. The answer was yes.I had never thought about that,so I'm thinking If everything works out,I'll probably increase my money in there to .12 or .15 cents about a year or so from buyout,to have that 5 or 6k cushion,just in case.Delivered my 3 stops in DALLAS this morning,finished up 0830 got a ld around 1030 to deadhead 199 miles to AR to pickup a preloaded trl going to TN for as soon as I get there 329 miles loaded.Been raining all day, kind of crappy out,but it sure beats the snow.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2012
  7. Stoney

    Stoney Medium Load Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    Cool. Be safe driver.

    Conservative to the Bone.
    R.I.P. Ron Paul 2012. Hahaha!!!
  8. pete3871

    pete3871 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Delivered in Brownsville TN,had to wait in line to get unloaded,took 3hrs, at least I should pick detention pay.ACT pays detention after 2hrs on pickup or delivery.35 dollars per hr up to 10 hrs in a 24hr period,wether they collect the money from shipper or consignee or not.Last co. I was with paid 80% of what they collected,they just never collected anything?This is alot better deal.Got a load going from Memphis TN to Olathe KS that dels thur 0800,around 525 miles.Still lots of rain,it sucks but still beats the snow
    Stoney Thanks this.
  9. pete3871

    pete3871 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Jan 13

    Empty miles- 284
    Loaded miles- 3011

    Total miles- 3295
    Total revenue-1543.45

    This is after all expences,Also the miles are high because 1 load carried over from the previous week because of new year holiday.
    Badcable and Stoney Thank this.
  10. Badcable

    Badcable Medium Load Member

    Feb 1, 2008
    Outside Chicago, IL
    Do you have expenses for the period? I don't mean to rub a sore wound if this period wasn't great.
  11. pete3871

    pete3871 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    JTM22,I dont really understand your post,but my check for last week was 1543.00 after all expences.Thats after truck pmt,insurance,fuel,etc.
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