Leasing at CRE: The lowdown

Discussion in 'CR England' started by DooRagg, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. Oi!

    Oi! Road Train Member

    Jun 20, 2011
    Two leases? Wow
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  3. JACC0811

    JACC0811 Light Load Member

    Jun 12, 2010
    Dayton, OH
    I just got out of CRE after 4 months. I did ok up until the last 3-4 weeks where I averaged $9 a settlement, after getting sent to Orlando and sitting for 4 days. NO THANKS! I'm done with that BS.

    I have to say this though, in the situation I was in, I appreciate them being around and having the free refresher so I could get some recent experience. Now I can move on to something better, and actually to the company I've wanted to go to since I decided I wanted to drive a truck when I was a kid.

    CRE isn't for everyone, that's for sure. I'm thankful for the opportunity. But I'm glad I got out when I did.
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  4. russellkanning

    russellkanning Medium Load Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    Frost, TX
    no one can make money sitting in Orlando except disney
    why such low checks for so long?

    what kind of freight does your dream company haul?
  5. JACC0811

    JACC0811 Light Load Member

    Jun 12, 2010
    Dayton, OH
    Like most people that have complaints, the planners would give me crap trips into places I had to sit for at least 12 hours or more for before delivery. So I would lose a day sitting and waiting, which would result in me getting less than 2000 miles a week sometimes. Like with the Orlando deal, it was a load that I got to 12 hours ahead of time, no early delivery, and there was no one to swap with or any load to get until 3 days later. Florida is the worst place for any driver to get out of, no matter who they drive for though lol. My dad had the same problem when he was with USA.

    My DM tried to keep me rolling but the planners lacked planning skills lol.

    I noticed you are following my blog now, so you see I will potentially be going to Schneider on a Walmart dedicated account. Home almost every day for my 10, $0.30 a mile and average $650+ a week I think. Works for me lol. Better than Bering gone over a month and making $9 a week lol.
  6. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    Have yet to sit in FL driving for Swift ... Hell I even got deadheaded from Valdosta to Orlando to pick up a load ... now that's not to say Swift doesn't have areas you can get stuck.
  7. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    I spent a whole week in Florida
    one day.
    Lilbit Thanks this.
  8. russellkanning

    russellkanning Medium Load Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    Frost, TX
    btw with the walmart produce fleet we got deadheaded to atlanta last time in fl 500 miles
  9. The Snowman

    The Snowman <b> Master of Confusion</b>

    Nov 12, 2012
    Sacramento, Ca.
    Don't Lease!!! or go company driver. The only drivers that make any money there are Relief & Recovery drivers. I was one for nine Months. did $600 a week avg. some $900 weeks plus frequent flyer miles. But as with any company you have to be a hustler, and like to put in big miles.
    Just as a side note the reefer business sucks, go with a company that is primarily dry box loads. You will get more drop and hook loads... and that's the name of the game. The fewer live loads and live unloads, the more you make. Because your sitting less and driving more.

    I found two lease drivers on nice dedicated runs making some money and the rest where starving.

    That's my 5 cents worth, Good Luck
  10. Lidscrew

    Lidscrew Bobtail Member

    Oct 10, 2012
    Once I figured out that yes, I can get the truck from point a to point b, sure, I had to sit and sift thru what "Trucking" is and what it entails. I did, managed to understand, supply/demand, fuel costs, what loads to TURN DOWN or to TAKE even when crappy runs so it put me in a good position for the next load. For instance... Nice 2200 mile run to Florida... turn it down, y? Cuz CRE doesn't run crap in FL. so you get there and your stuck for 2-4days... turn the nice mile run down for the 500mile run, because it will get me moving.

    Are you selling point a to b information or can you pm something about what states, cities, or other national areas are better for success. I am starting there this Monday with training. Need a job fast and hoping that unemployment checks can come in for just being trained.
    With that in mind, I made good 1xxx.xx checks weekly,

    My trainer, back then, single guy, no home, no kids, trains, never goes home, fell asleep and i mean ASLEEP 1hr after meeting me ...


    I could keep going with CRE, but it is 5x times the work to try and always know every little thing the company is doing or planning, and all that work I put in to know that, I only knew 10% of what they are always planning and doing...

    Not certain what you were talking about, can you explain is it policy changes with with leasing agreements or billing for students?
  11. Dewey120

    Dewey120 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Southern California
    I was talking with a 19 year England veteran a couple of days ago and he is finally leaving England. He was grandfathered in on his lease so he only paid 2 cents a mile, variable mileage. Well after about 7 leases they decide not to honor the grandfather clause and charge him 14 cents variable now.

    He can't believe they would just turn their back on him but apparently that's how England management runs things. As for me my tenure at CRE is almost over.
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