They stole 5800 from mme as wwll lied ti brokers behind my back while was still working fir them yes Justin is nothing more rhen a peon that kisses his daddy the owners butt. Mutuple times he lied and tried to sabatoge my loads my lieing to brokersand telling them I was in a different city and couldnt make the pu he didnt pay me for picking up a abandon drop trailer that i had to baby sit for three weeks not a good company at all
Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by MRAZ, Dec 1, 2024.
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5800? Lease purchase maybe? My curiosity looms......
TB John Thanks this. -
You know they’re mad when they can’t see straight enough to find the right keys!
TB John Thanks this. -
Frank Speak Thanks this.
Oh, look...another fake account to start the fifth thread about this company.
Multiple post to the same audience doesn't get the word out any more than a single thread.88 Alpha Thanks this.
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