Local fuel hauling HOS

Discussion in 'Hazmat Trucking Forum' started by Acs95yj, Jan 5, 2025.

  1. Acs95yj

    Acs95yj Bobtail Member

    Jan 5, 2025
    Little background I've been driving since 2017 first 3 otr and rest local. Locally or otr I've never had any hours of service problems until I recently got a job hauling fuel. Any local company I've worked for followed a 14hr day no exceptions they'd even call you and make sure you had legal drive time to complete route if not they'd reschedule stops. I'm hearing tails of people working well over 16hrs on a regular basis. When I talked to my new company about HOS they said they were exempt from all hours of service regs and since our area was affected by a flood nothing matters. I have no problem working just want to stay legal.
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  3. Cat sdp

    Cat sdp . .

    Apr 8, 2012
    Orion's Belt
    Ask them to show you the paperwork stating that. Your supposed to carry a copy in the truck anyways…..

    Every year up north they give the fuel/propane companies an exemption . But the legal language is vague at best. It leaves it up to the driver if he/she can continue after regular hours are exhausted.

    my personal record was 117 hours.
    tscottme Thanks this.
  4. Acs95yj

    Acs95yj Bobtail Member

    Jan 5, 2025
    Yeah pretty sure we don't have anything in our trucks I'll get that tho.
  5. Acs95yj

    Acs95yj Bobtail Member

    Jan 5, 2025
    What about on call work we are on rotation but I assumed it was for weekend outage but they are saying I'm on call all week. They expect you up there within 2hrs of a call. I always heard we had to have off 10 between shifts but they say no. They'll also require me come up there possibly more that once clocking out and going home in between calls.
  6. chbnovember

    chbnovember Bobtail Member

    Apr 10, 2020
    There is 2 defined rules per FMCSC the first is the most common #1 short haul exemption. #2 The 16 hour exemption as a company driver is up to the company to grant that exception to you: you want to get approval first to work 16 hours as the company is still required by law to keep track of your logs. You can stay on duty for 14 hours straight doesn’t matter the company still has to record keep.

    Short-Haul Exemption:

    • Operational Radius: Operate within a 150 air-mile radius

    • Duty Period: Do not exceed a maximum duty period of 14 hours.

    • Return to Work Location: Report to and return from the normal work reporting location within 14 consecutive hours.

    16-Hour Short-Haul Exemption:

    Additionally, there is a 16-hour short-haul exemption available under specific conditions:

    • Frequency: This exemption can be used once every seven consecutive days, provided the driver has returned to the normal work reporting location for the previous five duty tours.

    • Extended Duty Period: Allows drivers to extend their on-duty period to 16 hours once within a seven-day period.

    • Driving Limit: Does not extend the 11-hour driving limit; it only extends the on-duty period.

    This exemption is designed to accommodate occasional extended workdays due to unforeseen circumstances.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2025
    RockinChair Thanks this.
  7. Acs95yj

    Acs95yj Bobtail Member

    Jan 5, 2025
    Awesome! Yeah they definitely are not going to follow these rules they think since they are oil and gas they can do whatever they want. My only real option is to quit the job. Looked up the state of emergency for our state and that ended Dec.26th so thats over. In their minds I can work as many hours as they need plus being on call without a full 10hrs in between and it's all good.
  8. drh72

    drh72 Light Load Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Northeast Minnesota
    When I hauled LP and Heating Oil in Northern MN we would get an exemption every winter, but I had to have a copy in my truck at all times.

    The Winter of 2012-2013 I worked everyday from mid Dec. through the end of Feb. We had to log it like we did it, but there were no hours of service rules only while hauling LP or Heating Oil.

    If I was dispatched to haul a load of gas I would have had to take a 34 before hand.
  9. Acs95yj

    Acs95yj Bobtail Member

    Jan 5, 2025
    I don't see North Carolina getting those exemptions we haven't haf a bad snow storm in my area in years. We had state of emergency but it expired Dec.26th an we didn't provide relief directly they donated. I guesd it comes down to if I can deal with the on call stuff and hours they want me to work.
  10. mustang190

    mustang190 Road Train Member

    Jan 18, 2011
    Florida Panhandle
    I have done the exemption a couple of times in Florida after hurricanes.
    And have used the 16 hour rule some too. But usually it’s only around an hour or so.
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