Looking at Boyd Bros and TMC

Discussion in 'Boyd' started by travelman, Feb 23, 2015.

  1. 59EX

    59EX Medium Load Member

    Jun 27, 2015
    Considering on Melton's own website says the average pay is $55K per year I find that a bit hard to believe.

    As far as driver facing cameras, that's the least of my problems. I can't believe how some of you get up in arms about that stuff. Then again I'm a know nothing noob.
    Lux Prometheus Thanks this.
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  3. Jroq

    Jroq Bobtail Member

    Jun 16, 2015
  4. back street slider

    back street slider Light Load Member

    Dec 6, 2015
    I know this is an old post but I've got 2 put in my 2 cents. I was at boyd 4 5yrs starting in '11. They are a great company 2 start with and get your feet wet as long as u don't have any aspirations of becoming an owner op; don't fall in to there lease purchase scam unless you're just saving your $ 2 buy your own truck. There are some guys who have paid off their truck but the majority will fail; I saved my $ and put a down payment on my own truck and left boyd. Boyd has been through alot of changes since the old man died & daske bought majority share; they are not the company I started with. Boyd used to be a company you would retire from but now they're just a company you go to so you can learn how to flatbed & move to a flatbed company that only hires experienced flatbedders. Hope this helps
    Lux Prometheus Thanks this.
  5. back street slider

    back street slider Light Load Member

    Dec 6, 2015
    Just wait, I'm assuming he hasn't been with boyd very long.
  6. Corruptdigit

    Corruptdigit Bobtail Member

    Jul 14, 2014
    Started with Melton. Been with them for 12 months now. Signed on with only 3 months otr experience. They trained me for flatbed. As of November 2015, I made so far $54,482.64 and I still have 4 pay checks to finish this year. I figure around $57K for first year and no real experience. Started at 39 cents a mile and in 1 year in I am making 48 cents a mile. Averaged over 2325 miles a week. I expect to make more then 57k next year. So if you work for less then that...you are crazy. Talked to a System driver. He said they start 36 cents a mile. NO WAY. Don't know much on TMC or Boyd. So far, Melton has been an awesome company to work for.
    New1here Thanks this.
  7. Lux Prometheus

    Lux Prometheus Heavy Load Member

    Oct 28, 2013
    San Venganza, Tx
    I had one of those in my first tractor, they (Boyd) only out them in your first unit, and after only if you ask for one.

    And believe me: they can save your arse, big-time... as long as you didn't do something stupid.

    They only record 12 seconds around an event, and get reviewed before being sent on to the company ***IF*** they feel the event is reportable (so falling in a pothole or falling out of your bunk won't trigger them).

    I got rear-ended by a supertrucker once, and the camera proved I was alert, driving safely, and didn't do anything stupid. The inward facing part can be covered if you don't want it to see you changing clothes, by using a piece of tape, as long as you uncover it while driving.

    Truth is, I went and got a little Walmart drive cam, and put a 32gb card in it, to be sure I covered my butt in the event of an accident.

    Bottom line: they ain't all bad. And could save yet butt in an accident, as long as you didnt cause it.
    Iron Mover Thanks this.

    TROOPER to TRUCKER Anything Is Possible

    Dec 15, 2014
    Charlotte, NC
    Mavericks glass will pay more and offer good home time. @w.h.o will fill you in.
  9. superscooter

    superscooter Light Load Member

    What kind of trucks do they have? Their site is very vague. Automatics or stick? Most company sites give at least a little idea on trucks,...
  10. back street slider

    back street slider Light Load Member

    Dec 6, 2015
    They have 10 spd internationals but they have a few freightliners & t660's 4 lease purchase drvrs
  11. back street slider

    back street slider Light Load Member

    Dec 6, 2015
    Boyd is a great starter company 2 get ur feet wet w flatbed and learn the ropes on load securement. If u don't mind being a company Driver and u like flatbed it's the company 4 u (in my opinion, but I went there fresh from school and stayed 4yrs)
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