Looking for good starting company. (Have criminal record)
Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by ShawnDonaway, Nov 28, 2024.
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Try PI&I Motor Express that @Jbrown87 suggested in Post #8
P I & I Motor Express
908 Broadway Ave, Masury, OH 44438
ShawnDonaway Thanks this. -
I sent you a private message of a company I worked for if you’re interested.
ShawnDonaway Thanks this. -
It’s good your turning your life around and as @tscottme explained you have a few hurdles.
Only thing I can say is that this industry will test you, and it will continue to test your patience. Keep your head down on any job you get and put in the work. After a year your prospects will brighten up and if you can survive a few years without issues you’ll start to make some money. try to go into refrigeration or even oversized/overweight that’s where the good money is.ShawnDonaway and Tb0n3 Thank this. -
ShawnDonaway Thanks this.
CAUTION: To stay in this game, & be a really good truck driver -- you will need A LOT OF PATIENCE.
Trucks are usually big, slow...& in everyone else's way.
Respect for this job usually comes in small doses.
If you can be patient -- even when the world is pushing your buttons -- said patience will later be rewarded.
-- LShawnDonaway Thanks this.
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