Looking for Job in Houston TX

Discussion in 'Seek Employment' started by Alejsilva91, Jul 30, 2024.

  1. Alejsilva91

    Alejsilva91 Bobtail Member

    Jul 22, 2024
    Hello ,
    I was recently fired from a company for 3 minor little incidents I had. On my dac shows I have 1 non preventable and 3 incidents and fired from my job. I have two moving violations one in personal vehicle and one commercial for a improper turn. Im a exp driver 1 year and 2 months. I was very good for the whole year and month driving very carefully without no mistakes. I know I've messed up this month due to misfortune and alot of trusting other ppl helping me back up. I know I'm a truck driver so I should have gone with my own instincts. I should not be punished for one my bad month of my career and not reflect on a whole year base. I'm struggling to find a job that will be willing to give me a chance. I'm a good worker any of those companies will tell you that I work with no complain even the one that fired me. I shouldn't be giving a life speech over here but I'm really not trying to give up on my trucking career. Even after I received a hazmat and tanker endorsement. I want to be a truckers runs in the family
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  3. FozzyNOK

    FozzyNOK Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2007
    You're not being "punished", you're being held accountable. Company's can only absorb so much cost related to property damage. You cost the company, the companies allowed you several opportunities and you just couldn't or didn't take it seriously enough. Now its going to be some really low rung jobs if you want to try and stick it out. Class B stuff, mixers, Big box store deliveries, etc.
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