Looking for outlook prospects..

Discussion in 'Trucking Industry Regulations' started by Akustaka, Sep 27, 2024.

  1. Akustaka

    Akustaka Bobtail Member

    Sep 26, 2024
    Good to know, thankyou for the information! There is so much information online the truth can get buried sometimes haha~
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  3. Akustaka

    Akustaka Bobtail Member

    Sep 26, 2024
    Please look to my previous reply to @Concorde regarding your comment! Thanks again for sharing information! I will keep my updates posting as my process continues.
    bryan21384 Thanks this.
  4. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    First anything over 15 is bad, I could not hire you, my insurance underwriters would have a fit, you are high risk.

    Second, this isn’t for everyone and many think it is easy to be a big time truck driver.

    Third, a nolo contendere plea means that you admit to it by insurance standards, again back to number one, I can’t hire you and I feel (don’t take this personally) anyone getting the ticket needs to deal with not being able to get a cdl.,

    forth, as I told an applicant Thursday, I don’t give a crap about your personal life as long it doesn’t become my business. Excuses are lame, you want to play with the big boys, then act like one. Again don’t take this personal, it is what 99% of all the companies will say.

    fifth, drop the drug use, it is crap. You will get fired very quickly and should be. I think hair testing will come to trucking through the fmcsa because it seems to be pushed from the insurance companies.

    I am going to warn you and other potential drivers about this, being accepted in their training program does not mean you will have a job. There has been an issue with getting through training and getting ready to be hire but opps! There it is … a >15 ticket that you didn’t plea down. Can’t hire you.
  5. wis bang

    wis bang Road Train Member

    Jan 12, 2011
    Levittown, PA
    If OP hits a hair test AND that company gets some sort of negative comment into Tenstreet then every carrier will find out.

    Even DAC/Hire-rite had a sport on the termination form 'personal contact required'.

    Many safety personnel know their counterparts at other companies and one never knows if their application generates a quick phone call to check their history.

    Not every application makes it through the entire process.
  6. TheLoadOut

    TheLoadOut Road Train Member

    Nov 6, 2019
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