Looking for Team Driver in Central Florida Area (Covenant Transport)

Discussion in 'Drivers Looking for a Team Driver' started by JMartin13, Aug 14, 2024.

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  1. JMartin13

    JMartin13 Bobtail Member

    Aug 12, 2024

    My name is Jay and I am looking for a co-driver in the Central Florida area to run the Wildcat Fleet with Covenant Transport. The position requires the endorsements Hazmat, Tanker, Triples & Doubles. The Wildcat Fleet runs all 48 and is a drop & hook account.
    I am a non smoker, with no pets and looking for a similar partner. When I was previously on the account, I typically stayed out 4-6 weeks in order to get 1 week off (but I am open to staying out less). Typically averaged 550 to 600+ miles a day, which accrued around 6k miles with my co-driver.

    If interested please let me know, I would be happy to team up in the beginning of September.
    Thank you.
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  3. george stanley

    george stanley Light Load Member

    Jul 18, 2016
    i am interested i live las vegas
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