Looking to buy a new automatic day cab. What powertrain the best?

Discussion in 'Trucks [ Eighteen Wheelers ]' started by giannid, Dec 1, 2024.

  1. giannid

    giannid Light Load Member

    Dec 6, 2015
    So I'm looking to replace my last manual truck. Unfortunately, I have to change with the times no matter how much I hate it. I'm in the construction business and my drivers are mostly not professional drivers, they're tradesman who get their CDL. The last manual truck I have is a 2011 Freightliner M2 with a dd13 and a 10 speed. I'll say the newer manuals on these newer trucks are definitely harder to shift than the older trucks. They have such a short power band and tight gear box. I'm to the point where I'm the only one who can drive the truck.

    So looking for a new day cab with an automatic/autoshift. We currently have one truck with a Allison and another one with an Eaton ultra shift and they've both been good. Looking at trucks, I'm seeing the Peterbilts and KW trucks mostly have Paccar engines, the Volvos, with Volvo engines, the Internationals with International engines, and the Cummins powered trucks in different manufactures trucks.

    I need an automatic that will take a PTO. I've always liked Cummins engines but lately I'm hearing they've had their share of Issues. I know the older N series Internationals were problematic, not sure about the new ones. My Freightliner, with the DD13 hasn't really given us many issues. The other truck we have has a Cummins ISM which has been good also.

    We're looking at purchasing a used truck. What do you guys recommend or what should I be looking for? I don't really want to hear the haters saying all emissions trucks are junk and I should automatics are for girls, lol. Looking for fleets and people who have had real world experience. We probably put 250-350 hours on a truck a year. Looking to purchase something with under 10000 hours. Thoughts?
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  3. Big Road Skateboard

    Big Road Skateboard Road Train Member

    May 2, 2021
    If you have a good working relationship with any of the dealerships, lean towards that brand.

    If not, lean towards the brand that has the best support from dealership level down to independent shops.

    If you have an independent shop that you work with, maybe ask what they do and don't work on.
    Oxbow, Albertaflatbed and W923 Thank this.
  4. W923

    W923 Road Train Member

    Feb 28, 2022
    Not knowing 100 percent what you’re doing with the truck but hearing construction I would lean towards the fluid/torque converter style Allison….any of the automated manual transmission I’ve been around sucked monkey nuts on anything other than smooth hard dry pavement….based on some other opinions I’ve run into on here maybe I’ve just had bad experiences but I know what I’ve seen firsthand.
    Oxbow and Albertaflatbed Thank this.
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