Looking to gain CDL however disqualified

Discussion in 'Questions To Truckers From The General Public' started by babridgeman91, Oct 13, 2024.

  1. babridgeman91

    babridgeman91 Bobtail Member

    Oct 13, 2024
    Hello, my name is Brandon and I'm 33 years old. I live in Georgia and have a dead end job. I've had this job full time since 2009 and part time before that for about 6 years. I hate the job but life just always finds me in a hole. When I was younger I would drive in a rush because of my job and in part to being a dumb kid. I've had my license suspended twice, once for too many points over minor violations and the second time for forgetting to pay a seat belt ticket. My 7 year MVR shows 4 incidents, one following too close (lady cut over infront of me to get into a turn lane) and two for cell phone use (boss blowing my phone up until I answer.) I forget the fourth at this time. My MVR says I'm disqualified from a CDL but I did read I can pay a fee of 200 odd dollars and an application to regain the privilege. It also says I need a DOT med card and retake my CDL test but I've never done those, I assume that's if you lost your CDL. My plan is to, don't beat me up, to gain my CDL through SWIFT. I've heard all the stuff about SWIFT but this is just to get me on the path and out of this job. Any advice on getting my CDL privilege back? Anyone ever had to deal with this? I'm a much better and mature driver now and have always had an interest in trucking. Any words are appreciated.
    Concorde Thanks this.
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  3. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    Where in GA do you live?

    Just a zip code will work just fine.

    How recent is your last incident/violation/citation on your MVR??

    -- L
  4. Iamoverit

    Iamoverit Road Train Member

    Oct 31, 2023
    Forget about commercial driving. You're not insurable even if you managed to get a CDL. After your record is spotless you'll have better luck. As those years pass I hope you begin to think more about how your actions might impact others you share the roads with.
  5. babridgeman91

    babridgeman91 Bobtail Member

    Oct 13, 2024
    30248, Locust Grove
  6. babridgeman91

    babridgeman91 Bobtail Member

    Oct 13, 2024
    Hello, the only accident I have ever been in is someone cutting over in front of me while I was maintaining a more than safe following distance, this however has fallen off my MVR.
  7. babridgeman91

    babridgeman91 Bobtail Member

    Oct 13, 2024
    January 2023
  8. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    I know some carriers that are hiring new CDL holders/inexperienced CDL drivers in GA -- but your MVR....as is....will very likely scare them off.

    You need a "clean slate"....for AT LEAST 3 YEARS....before the better carriers will even consider you.

    The cold, hard truth: trucking is (in particular) very much a "reap what you sow" world. :(

    -- L
  9. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    Nothing wrong with going with Swift. The Swift drivers I come across all seem decent so nothing to be embarrassed about.

    First thing I would do is contact your DMV and get some clarification on if and why they have you disqualified for a CDL. Do that before you pay the $200. To me it sounds like something is screwy at the DMV since you have never held a CDL.
    The Following too close is a serious violation for commercial drivers. Hopefully that wasn’t a recent one. If you get 2 serious violations (speeding 15 and over is another) in a year it’s an automatic suspension. That could be why they flagged you for a CDL?

    Would be helpful if you could list what exactly is on your mvr for the last 5 years. That’s basically what carriers will be judging you on 3-5.

    Following too close, holding your phone and seatbelt violations aren’t going to go over well with carriers, especially if they’re somewhat recent.
    In the meantime drive your car like it’s your livelihood.
    Accidental Trucker Thanks this.
  10. babridgeman91

    babridgeman91 Bobtail Member

    Oct 13, 2024
    Yea, I understand that you cant just put anyone behind the wheel of 80k pounds. I guess my next move would be to speak to some of these recruiters, let them know exactly what I have going on and make a judgement. I reckon I will still take a shot at having my privileges restored and go from there. This conversation lets me put my hopes in perspective tho. Thanks for your time.
  11. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    Why does the op need a “clean slate” for 3 years?
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