Luis Express trucking company FAKE!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Babytrucker, Dec 18, 2024.

  1. Babytrucker

    Babytrucker Bobtail Member

    Dec 18, 2024
    Hi everyone if you live in fort Lauderdale,Florida then I have some news .... This guy that in his 40 runs a scam under the table trucking company that goes by "Luis Express trucking company" but only to the TQL people...
    You probably wondering why work for him? We thought since a friend recommended him( my boyfriend friend) we use the money to pay rent but now that where homeless and trying to find a home. With that being said he does pay ON TIME , HE DOESN'T GET HOTELS, HE LIE to the TQL people , STEAL from us and doesn't pay for a week on end when we supposed to get paid every week 850 at that . It's hard because now we just in the road in a truck begging a guy for our pay for our time in driving and we all know the danger of driving with full sleep or with our the proper documentation. I'm saying all this to say we have no way of getting paid for our time of making sure we have a place to call home and I wouldn't wish this on anyone!!!
    The holiday are soon to be here and I'm 1000's miles away from home with no money and in a truck that can get pulled over for being stolen because of a dispatcher that takes all your money and only pay you 50 dollar out of your pay a day to eat.
    He is very unprofessional wil have you drive for hours on end with no sleep and no pay BEWARE OF LUIS TRUCKING
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2024
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  3. Frank Speak

    Frank Speak Road Train Member

    May 3, 2016
    He's expects you to drive for hours every day, eat on $50 a day and he doesn't pay for hotels. I don't recall any of my employers paying a meal stipend. Of course, I prefer to *procure* my own meals so I never asked. All of them did expect me to drive for hours every day. One of my favorite dispatchers was black. She was wonderful. The pay thing is pretty simple. No pay, no work.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2024
    Lonesome Thanks this.
  4. Babytrucker

    Babytrucker Bobtail Member

    Dec 18, 2024
    No here the thing we work for 12 hours a day and no pay so he gives us 50 dollars out our LATE pay check to pay for our food bc we so broke
  5. Gomer1969

    Gomer1969 Light Load Member

    Jan 13, 2013
    Good lord the grammar is atrocious!
    firemedic2816 Thanks this.
  6. Babytrucker

    Babytrucker Bobtail Member

    Dec 18, 2024
    Sorry professor I don't check my grammar on a rant
  7. Gomer1969

    Gomer1969 Light Load Member

    Jan 13, 2013
    "Sorry, professor, I don't check my grammar on a rant."
  8. Babytrucker

    Babytrucker Bobtail Member

    Dec 18, 2024
  9. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    I can't make heads or tails of that rant. The only thing I understood was that heand yall were making 850 per week. That latter is my bigger concern. How many miles did you run to get that 850? My curiosity looms........
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2024
    firemedic2816, Lonesome and Gomer1969 Thank this.
  10. Babytrucker

    Babytrucker Bobtail Member

    Dec 18, 2024
    I'm young so all this grammar stuff is so old school.... In short words , this man is late every week too pay us and pay only 50 out our pay for just enough for food. He is unprofessional and has not time management as a "boss" or dispatcher. We still haven't gotten paid for 16 hours off work a day with no pay , hotel, or sleep. Sooo in conclusion I'm a woman with no place to call home and no safe place to lay my head but a truck that will eventually get pulled over and I'll be in jail!!!
  11. GoneButNotForgotten

    GoneButNotForgotten Heavy Load Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    Roxboro, N.C.
    Wow. There is a lot to unpack in this situation. First off are you a driver or a rider? I ask because 12 hours a day is pretty much a solo situation. I can only assume that this is a 1099 situation without a contract or unable to understand it, and at $50 a day he is paying you $350 out of your $850. The other $500 is late, how late?
    Also what is wrong with the truck that could make you end up in jail? Has the dispatcher threatened to report it as as stolen if you don't follow his directives? And why in the world would you expect them to pay for a motel? No loads?
    And my most curious point, how old are you?
    Lonesome and Numb Thank this.
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