Millis Transfer, Inc. - Black River Falls, Wi.?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Beltster, Jan 14, 2006.

  1. Southernman86

    Southernman86 Bobtail Member

    Jun 17, 2011
    Milwaukee, WI

    June 17, 2011
    Hey Newblood86 I know how it feels, im going thru the same situation. I live in Milwaukee, been searching on the internet since April been turned down by a few companies. I always had a passion for trucking no family history in the trucking industry and no experience. I been looking at Millis and would love to join and like what they have to offer. Would like to know how long you had to wait to be accepted? Who was your recruiter? Thanks and goodluck buddy
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  3. Gunrunner84

    Gunrunner84 Light Load Member

    Feb 9, 2008

    Are you talking per diam pay here.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2011
  4. Whitey14243

    Whitey14243 Medium Load Member

    Aug 12, 2010
    Moreland, GA
    Yes I'm on per diem pay.... I finally moved into a better truck and average roughly 3200-3800 miles a week. I do have my rough weeks where I only get 2500-2800 miles don't get me wrong.
  5. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    2500-2800 is a bad week?
  6. Whitey14243

    Whitey14243 Medium Load Member

    Aug 12, 2010
    Moreland, GA
    Not at all catfish....I just didn't want to put 3800 down and everyone assume that's what I run every single week. Iv seen weeks with as little as 1200-1500 on the weeks that I go home so ill take 2500-2800 any week over that but it is nice to get those weeks where its in the high 3K range
  7. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    i gotcha.:biggrin_2554:
  8. Loken

    Loken Bobtail Member

    Aug 12, 2011
    I start training at Millis Transfer in Cartersville on the 29th.
  9. yackyduck1

    yackyduck1 Bobtail Member

    Sep 2, 2011
    Cartersville, GA
    Stay away from Millis. They said that they are family oriented but they are not. They say that they will honor your home time. My husband has had to throw a fit to get his home honored. His dispatcher is unprofessional and disrespectful. They have made my husband miss important dates. He has always put his home time in 2 weeks before the requested date. It should not be hard to get home on time. He went through the "so called School" which was a joke. If you don't know how to drive a truck do not take this class. It is a crash course that will cost you $500.00 up front and then another 2,000 that is if you stay with them for 1 year. If you quit before then you will have to pay 5,000.00. When you go out with a trainer. Plan to be away from your family for at least 6 weeks. I don't understand why you would have to be out that long. Let's just say that there is a lot of things that they do that you should not have to go through. If your truck breaks, you have to come up with the money for a hotel. A driver had his truck break down and he ended up in a hotel for almost a week (away from his family and he had to pay for the hotel???? Crazy).
  10. panda11864

    panda11864 Bobtail Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    dalton ga
    I went through the Millis school in Cartersville, GA. The classroom instructors were excellent. I had trouble with the trainer I was given for the OTR training. The trainer was a foulmouthed Bigot. When I went to get another trainer I was let go. Their promises of get another trainer if you could not work with the original one was a lie. In my group there were four students. I was told by this trainer that I was picked to be be his trainee because "I was the only white student there." As for the Training, I learned more on my own than he taught me. Most of the time he was on the phone to his wife or his past student. I was his second student. His first one kept getting lost and kept calling to get directions from my trainer. He had been driving for the company for only one and a half years. You will also have to listen to his tales of all the strip joints he went to along the way. If you can deal with foul mouth bigots, then you can get along fine.:biggrin_25510:
    Marky84 Thanks this.
  11. vaughncanter

    vaughncanter Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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