morehouse trucking

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by bullrider1585, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. bullrider1585

    bullrider1585 Bobtail Member

    Jan 16, 2014
    paxton illinois
    Is W.N. Morehouse a good company to work for?
    JohnGER Thanks this.
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  3. jbourque

    jbourque Heavy Load Member

    Oct 25, 2012
    south english iowa
    meat haulers to the east coast mainly. i started in the 60s and they were in meat business then, out of omaha, do not know if they have terminals any place else. i knew the founder he was a good employer but dont know anything about the boys who are running it now. lots of luck
  4. bullrider1585

    bullrider1585 Bobtail Member

    Jan 16, 2014
    paxton illinois
    thanks there website says no east coast but when I talked to a recruiter she said they have loads that go to Newark new jersey
  5. jbourque

    jbourque Heavy Load Member

    Oct 25, 2012
    south english iowa
    they must have changed there running lanes, sorry about that
  6. prisonerofthehighway

    prisonerofthehighway Light Load Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    Cedar Rapids, Ia
    I worked for them for about a year. Equipment, well when I worked for them, for top notch. mechanics were a little slow, and the speed that the trucks were governed at drove me nuts, but for the most part they are one of the better companies out there. Good luck !!!
    bullrider1585 Thanks this.
  7. tkauffman

    tkauffman Bobtail Member

    Feb 12, 2014
    No not at all, they do not pay detention like they say in the ads and the only way they do is if you stay on them. O my and dont put 2 week notice in you will be fired. they buy the cheepest equipment they can get away with. there is much more to say but this site wont let me. would not send my worse enemy there for a Job.
  8. truckerdo

    truckerdo Light Load Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    Omaha, NE
    I started working for Morehouse just over a month ago. Pretty decent company so far. Have not had problems with getting detention pay. Just need to communicate with them when you are delayed at shipper/consign so they can address detention right then..Equipment is really well maintained and shop will get you right in when going through Omaha if you need work done..I live in Omaha so my truck goes in shop while at home..They have always had a preplan for a next load ready before i drop current load..They are 100% reefer trailer but not all loads are temp controlled..maybe 60% of my loads so far have been..lanes are mostly east and west along i80...go to Milwaukee area alot..have been to Newark,nj once and as far away west as Utah/southern Idaho..they go to Cali some if you want..I don't because I want home weekly and I do get home weekly and sometimes throughout the week..they are a smaller company, around 100 trucks, and really seem to care and try to make drivers the priority..any others questions I can try to I said I have only been there a little over a month..
  9. truckerdo

    truckerdo Light Load Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    Omaha, NE
    Also trucks governed at 68....65 if you go to Canada..all trucks have apu or eapu(electronic apu) so you can have a fridge, microwave or the what have other terminals, they just have the yard in Omaha..I would have to say working for morehouse is a nice change from the big company I got my start problems with pay or anything else..people in the office are nice and helpful, they won't leave you hangin..the 2 big bosses have their doors open all day long..I don't try to bother them but nice to know if and when I need to I can....any other questions, i will try to answer..
    Pasquale Thanks this.
  10. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    I was sold when I seen their video on their website and applied but they never called me back.That was like a yr ago.
  11. truckerdo

    truckerdo Light Load Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    Omaha, NE
    You may not have been in their hiring area or maybe don't have the best driving record, or they may have filled up on drivers at the time. I know they don't have a super high turnover and only a 100 trucks or so. They only hire drivers that they are able to get home a regular basis and I know MVR/dac or whatever has to be pretty clean.
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