Municapl Waste NJ/PA ? - O/O and MC - auto haulin Hello,

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by ringer_byrne, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. ringer_byrne

    ringer_byrne Bobtail Member

    Feb 14, 2014

    Where to start....

    Have been an active shipper for the past 14 years (time sensitive printed material), helped a family friend has start O/O for many years and the bug to go for our own authority has kicked in to full gear.

    His truck is running full time under shop rite, want to break it free. During making the design to move away from shop rite the opportunity presented itself to haul salvaged cars/trucks around NJ, after buying a medium duty truck we noticed that the deal was slowly changing...I neglected to speak to the contact before getting committed, felt more like we where investing a whole lot of money, time and risk to work for someone with no grantee, understanding that there are never grantee's it made more seance to go to a full size semi and work off a load board. Being a young man with a family this scares me, i like to be home with the wife and kids.

    Trash came up because of the 24/7 operation, being able to pull a 3rd shift split is very appealing to me. I could knock out 12 and be home by dinner.

    I have leaned a hard lesson by jumping and finding a great medium duty truck and now I am forced to sell. I want to do my best to understand what work would fit best and of course pay the best. I understand what goes in to my own authority ifta, .10 per mile for maintenance and putting money aside for a new truck etc.

    Today I am leaning to trash, maybe you all can push me in or push me to a better operation.

    Thanks and cant wait to see and heard from you all.

    Tags: auto, mc, nj, o/o, waste

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  3. cabwrecker

    cabwrecker The clutch wrecker

    Mar 23, 2012
    Running residential sanitation in the early AM? Do you realize how loud that equipment is? Hope your customers are used to hearing cans banging off the side of loading units before the sun rises- my companies customers already complain (atleast the ones I'm grabbing around 04:00) about the limited amounts of noise my Heil makes.

    Let me get this straight, you have a medium duty truck and you're looking to throw a sanitation body on the chasis?

    Trash is good money. Better money than you'd expect. Hard work, but good money. Nothing like burying banana peels in the ground for profit. Death, taxes and garbage- three things you can count on in life.

    What's the truck make/model/year?
  4. ringer_byrne

    ringer_byrne Bobtail Member

    Feb 14, 2014
    @cabwrecker - selling medium duty to buy full size semi, run residential waste from transfer station to dump. ***well said*** "death, taxes and garbage" ***well said***

    03 c4500
  5. cabwrecker

    cabwrecker The clutch wrecker

    Mar 23, 2012
    Hell son, I have honestly no idea which hydro packer you should be using. Our local transfer stations all use some form of McNeilous with a daycab. Any day cab will suffice. From what I've seen of landfills, they're nothing but mud and gravel- plan on getting stuck several times a day in the mud and garbage. I know some municipalities operate landfills that you dump on concrete and the dozers scrap it into the ground, but 99% of the time this isn't the case.

    At the end of the day, here's some of the things you're gonna want:

    • Front tow hitch. It's an absolute necessity. You're gonna get stuck in the mud, without a second of a doubt.
    • Rear tow hitch. Same situation, helps when the dozers can pull you back to the dump point.
    • A truck with locking diff, and all power axle option- absolute necessity.
    • Wide drives. Super singles are inadvisable due to their likelihood of bursting under the extreme stress of vocational duty, get wide dully's.
    • sturdy truck. I recommend pete 379. Works good for the applications we use it for. Easy to source parts, relatively easy maintenance and good warranty program.
    • Heil/Mcnelius trailer for transfer, again; easy to source parts for repairs and usually easy to work on.
    • A sharp eye and quick mind. Nothing quite helps like knowing where you need to cut your turn, and when you have huge concrete gravel stuck between your dully's. Those SOB's will kill your rubber! Keep an eye out for 'em!
  6. ringer_byrne

    ringer_byrne Bobtail Member

    Feb 14, 2014
    @cabwrecker thanks for the info
  7. poppapump1332

    poppapump1332 Road Train Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    I ran trash just know running off road you will have a higher maintenance then staying on pavement for example in the dump you will be running over garbage and demo you will get flat tires idc how careful you are when its raining and muddy plan on getting a air line ripped off or a bent bumper cause youll be knee deep machine will have to push or tow you to your dumping spot and possibly dropping your drive shaft trying to get unstuck trust me ive seen it all not trting to steer you away just giving you the heads up i ran it for 5 years as a company driver then bought my own truck took it to the landfill once and decided im not trashing(no pun intended) my truck.
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