My Story....

Discussion in 'Road Stories' started by LuckyLady7, Nov 18, 2007.

  1. LuckyLady7

    LuckyLady7 <strong>Good Luck Charm</strong>

    Nov 8, 2007
    South Carolina
    Well, I was coming through Arkansas and cruising down the interstate at about 65 mph....had the music on low country and it was just beginning to get dusky dark....I had turned on my headlights...just as another truck passed me with no lights on, not even park. I was in the East bound lane and I looked only to see an Arkansas "Bear" coming down the other side of the interstate. He apparently saw the truck with no lights on and he came across the medium..really fast and slid..........into my lane:biggrin_25516: I reacted the way I was taught in school and did an emergency brake to avoid plastering the bear all over the interstate. He looked in the mirror and saw me on his ### and sped I was sweating bullets by then, because I looked in my side mirror and saw the trailer coming around...I sped up and my trailer straightened out... but this "bear almost made me jackknife....and he almost got killed....that was a stupid move on the "bear" but had it not been for fast thinking and reaction I would have killed this state trooper.
    When I got cleared of that mess I stopped long enough to thank God for helping me and for saving the troopers life!
    I don't think I will ever forget this moment...and it taught me alot about keeping your mind on driving and watching the other person......:biggrin_25520:

    Take care out there and be safe!
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  3. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007

    The bear had tunnel vision. He saw one thing and that was his focus. Even bears lose focus. That is why 4 wheelers do so many stupid things. Impulse moves without counting the cost. No risk assesment. I always try to avoid sudden moves. When I switch lanes I do it gradually so others can see my move. The bear was trying to stop a unsafe act and created one in the making. Glad it worked out for all that was involved.
  4. acw

    acw Bobtail Member

    Nov 4, 2007
    wow....thank god u were paying attention...
  5. Big Red

    Big Red Lonestar

    Nov 11, 2007
    Has happened to me more times than I can count.

    The State Troopers and local bears ought to know better.

    I guess the thing that gets me the most is the way they charge across the median strip like they were driving a 4 wheel drive instead of a Crown Victoria.

    Never count on a bear to show anything like common sense either when they are around big trucks.
  6. rjthetrucker

    rjthetrucker Bobtail Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Loveland, CO
    Sounds like you kept reasonably cool and pulled out of it. Nice work. :biggrin_25514:
  7. Itsmy6

    Itsmy6 Bobtail Member

    May 17, 2007
    Gateway City
    Good job on your part. :smt038
  8. LuckyLady7

    LuckyLady7 <strong>Good Luck Charm</strong>

    Nov 8, 2007
    South Carolina
    I didn't have time to think...but when I saw my trailer coming around on my side I did start praying because I knew if that trooper didn't get out of my lane..that I would have jackknifed...but with a prayer answered I regained control of my truck.....but when I go through Arkansas I always think about what happened..and I am always alert.....If the truth was known...I bet that trooper messed in his pants when he looked in his rear view mirror and saw ME......:biggrin_25523:lol
  9. CMoore2004

    CMoore2004 Road Train Member

    Nov 2, 2007
    I think I would've stopped where he pulled the other truck over and requested he get his supervisor out there.

    He nearly cost over $100k and possibly two lives.

    But it's good to know you handled it so well. I guess that's why they're called "professional drivers".
  10. wc5b

    wc5b Medium Load Member

    Nov 5, 2007
    Flint, MI
    Ya I agree. This has happened to me a lot lately with local cops. It has not happened in the big truck yet. Last time I remember, it was really late at night, and I was coming back from the watering hole. We were on lower city streets and I had just turned at a major intersection when I caught only a small glimpse of the decal on the side of the cruiser that I was about to T-Bone. He had NO lights on at all, not even HEADLIGHTS, let alone overheads! (Dark place becouse it dives into a revine under a train overpass, and no street lights becose the city is cheap) He forgot to put any of them on before gunning into traffic lanes after a speeder! I had to slam on my breaks to avoid him which created a chain reaction and by the intersection, 4 cars had collided. He never even stopped. Just took off after the speeder as if I was not even there. I pulled up along side of him at the speeders window and embarrassed the hell out of the young cop. LOL I yelled something like "Hey bright one, next time turn on your light bulbs! You almost killed both of us and you created a four car Accident back at the light! You may want to check that out!" Pretty sure that guy got out of his ticket.
  11. MrsSkidmarks

    MrsSkidmarks <strong>Stain Fighter</strong>

    Nov 10, 2007
    St. Louis, MO
    I don't know if you all heard this one, but just within the last week in IL, near St. Louis, a ST did was responding to an accident call, and I would assume was flying down the hwy, and a car clipped him or something, the ST crossed the median and hit a car. In that car were 2 sisters, just coming home from a family photo sitting. Just 18 & 13 years old...and the family had to bury them both on the same day. Talk about an unbelievable tragedy. :(
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