My wife and I are finally going to training for C. R. England

Discussion in 'CR England' started by Karasu1982, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. TifaCloud

    TifaCloud Bobtail Member

    Oct 28, 2010
    yeah thats right...
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  3. Karasu1982

    Karasu1982 Bobtail Member

    Dec 1, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    TifaCloud: Sorry it took us so long to reply. I'll be honest with you, there are more happy drivers at other companies these days than at CRE, out of my class ONLY ONE DRIVER out of our entire nearly 200 person class is still with them. If you need training try some of the great schools that are out their, if you can't afford that, then I suggest you try a company other than CRE, you need to at least be able to make it 6 months with CRE otherwise you will be right back in a school with another company.

    If you make it 6 months you can get a position that pays pretty good, we got on with USA and make between 300-1000 a week depending on their miles, which is to say the miles here are unreliable, this company is set up for solo's and they can't really run a team like they should. Plus you will find they give team loads to solo drivers and run them out of hours, and expect the team to haul loads that don't have time to fuel on them, much less eat or shower.

    If you make it to a year, you can land something like the wife and I just did. We're waiting until we finally get our year of experience, getting our doubles, and we're already hired on with a company that gives a guaranteed 5000 miles a week and two days off every week. That's a sweet deal for a team. Just choose wisely and if their is anything else I can do or answer for you just ask!
    The Challenger and AfterShock Thank this.
  4. SanJoaquin209

    SanJoaquin209 Light Load Member

    Dec 18, 2010
    Acampo, Ca
    I don't get it, you were training and training like planned. Which is crappy anywhere I imagine. Then you leased...everyone says do not said do not lease...and you did...Did they pressure you on it? Anyhow Good job sticking through it and all I am set to attend in a few days planning on doing what you did but not leasing. Thanks for proving it to be possible to make it out alive. What did you mean when you said you had everything documented when it came to them trying to screw you on you DAC? How did you document it? I am only asking so I can do the same. Thanks
  5. Karasu1982

    Karasu1982 Bobtail Member

    Dec 1, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    I documented it because I'm a paperwork fanatic. But CRE is a 95% lease company, if you do stick for amount of time it takes to go company, which is nearly twice as long as lease, you will get fired, and they will still put something on your DAC. CRE is about getting driver's in and out. Here's why, with the economy, they get a bonus for hiring out of work people. They keep those trucks filled they stop getting the bonus. So they run through drivers, they can always get new ones and they know it with this economy, just like the Military, their are always people coming in and applying, all they have to do is say they tried. Then they get a bonus. Rinse lather and repeat. Add that to all the freight they run and people they put in debt and that's how they stay in business.

    - K
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  6. SanJoaquin209

    SanJoaquin209 Light Load Member

    Dec 18, 2010
    Acampo, Ca
    lol, #### YOU CR ENGLAND! haha :biggrin_2552:
  7. fawne

    fawne Light Load Member

    May 29, 2010
    I worked for cr england for six months. I loved the job, and liked training however, I would not lease if I were you. It was a mistake that I made. I am however home now and I am enjoying the kids. I did like working for cr england however they are just as dodgy as other companies. Everyone complains about them, but the truth is that they are the same as anywhwere else. Regards,Nicole
  8. SanJoaquin209

    SanJoaquin209 Light Load Member

    Dec 18, 2010
    Acampo, Ca
    Did they ruin your DAC?
  9. Mrfasttrack

    Mrfasttrack Light Load Member

    Aug 12, 2010
    Hey fawne why did you leave? Other posts I have read of yours, seemed youi were happy there.
  10. fawne

    fawne Light Load Member

    May 29, 2010
    I left CR England because they let me go. I hit someone's mirror and I am now waiting for a copy of my dac report. I am not sure if they have ruined it or not. I did not abandon the truck. I did turn it into the main office however I am not going to say bad things about them. They were the same as any other company. I will let you all know if they ruined my dac report later when I get it in the mail.

    Right now I am taking a break and chilling looking for another job.
    I don't want to go for a driving position until I have a look at the dac report because I don't trust any large company to tell the truth.

  11. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    I'm sorry to hear of your untimely dismissal from C.R. England for what sounds like a trivial matter. You don't seem like someone who wouldn't report a mishap, so I assume that you did report the accident as per company policy.

    I think you're doin' a good thing by reporting your experience there, although it was a short six months. That C.R.E. terminated you the way they did is par for the course and not surprising. Being a loyal and dedicated employee doesn't seem to impress the powers that be C.R.E. and vividly illustrates the gripe that so many who have experienced the C.R.E. adventure have related here at The Trucker's Report.

    One thing that seems to be consistent about your posts is not wanting to say anything bad about C.R. England, and I commend you for that. I do wonder though, if that will change if they dinged your DAC badly enough that it prevents you from being considered for a driving position with another company. I hope that you don't consider relating the truth to be the same as saying "bad things about them", --- because it's not the same.

    I've read many posts from wannaBees who lament that C.R.E. is the only company that's willing to hire them and give 'em a chance, --- and consider that to be a sign that C.R.E. is being noble, only to discover the hard way that isn't the case. That causes me to wonder if taking a chance with C.R.E. is really a chance worth taking, seein' as how so many also report that C.R.E. dinged their DAC with less than truthful (mis)information, thereby rendering the CDL-A license obtained through attending their training program, worthless and very expensive, all things considered. It sounds like a mean thing to do, akin to kickin' someone who's already down, unable to get up.
    Which brings me to another thing I've noticed about your posts.

    You seem to be under the impression that C.R.E. is no different than any other large truckin' company and you "don't trust any large company to tell the truth". Considering your very limited experience in the Big truck truckin' industry, and the costly mistake of leasing you made during that time, I wonder if you're qualified to render an opinion on how the other companies operate and/or how they treat their drivers, not having first-hand experience with any other truckin' companies yourself. Those who have experienced the C.R.E. adventure, and moved on to another Big truck truckin' company, don't seem to agree with your assessment that they're all the same. Personally, I have no experience workin' for C.R.E., but the experience I've had with the two truckin' companies I've driven for did not include being unceremoniously kicked to the curb and thrown under the bus for any reason, let alone for any trivial mistake, like hitting a mirror. IMO, that's extremely petty and not a good reason, in and of itself, to terminate a dedicated, or even a mediocre, driver.

    At this time, you say that you're seeking employment in a non-driving capacity, and I question the logic of that. If hired by a company not requiring you to drive, and your DAC report is intact enough to still be attractive to other truckin' companies, would you be inclined to give driving another try, which would require you to terminate your employment with the non-driving company? If so, does that seem fair to the non-driving company that hired you? At this time, you're in limbo. It's hard to make a decision without knowing where you stand. Taking a non-driving job until all the facts are gathered could be a situation where you used another company's job to tide you over until what you really want presents itself. Could that be considered a tad selfish on your part? Or, would you disclose your intentions right up front before a final decision is made whether to hire you under those conditions, or not?

    I sincerely hope that you come to realize, through personal experience, that all large truckin' companies are not alike. There are companies out there that treat their drivers fairly and with respect. The difference is like night and day, and, quite honestly, I think you deserve to be treated properly. I sense that you have a good heart. If I were an employer lookin' for a good employee, you'd be on my short list of potential hires.

    One last thing that concerns me is you mentioned being home now, "enjoying the kids". I don't know if you're their mommy, and I'm not askin' --- but I feel compelled to mention that children deserve to have full-time parents to love 'em and raise 'em properly. I also realize that sometimes we have to do what we have to do, and SOMEtimes that puts the children in jeopardy when a/the parent is away from home for weeks at a time so they only see them when they visit for a day or two. A situation like that can make decisions a bunch tougher to make. I trust you'll make the right decision(s).

    God bless you, Fawne.
    I wish you the best of success in whatever you decide to do.
    Please continue to keep us informed.
    We care. :yes2557:

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