N14 oil pump sump line not sealing at the pan

Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by mile marker 27, Jan 25, 2025.

  1. mile marker 27

    mile marker 27 Road Train Member

    Dec 4, 2019
    IMG_6210.jpeg Installed the pan and oil pump supply tube, with O ring on the protruding sump line, last night. Put oil in and put about 16oz in, through the oil pump to soak gears. The supply tube was kind of a bear to install and to me it didn’t quite square up and tighten down evenly. So, new oil pump, used supply tube and the new updated replacement clamps(no plastic) in the pan holding the sump tube. I’m not sure what little discrepancy is making it not quite line up. I did reuse my old flanges that were on my old supply tube. Any ideas?
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  3. IH9300SBA

    IH9300SBA Road Train Member

    Feb 26, 2021
    Did you tighten those two bolts first before the other end at the oil pump? Also need to be tightened evenly. I've always put some silicone on that o-ring as insurance.
  4. mile marker 27

    mile marker 27 Road Train Member

    Dec 4, 2019
    Yes, but the bolts on the pump flange were in but only for alignment. No silicone. I tightened them evenly but noticed the flare was slightly tilted, on one side. That bolt got and I was hesitant to torque on it much more, I’ve got 40 quarts of new oil in it and think I ought to drain some out to disassemble the tube. I truly believe the tube is in a bind, where it goes up inside the pump, slightly. I think the tube is up against the side of the cast inlet hole of the pump, not allowing it to tilted anymore for a flush fit. Thought about heating the tube midways, with the oil pan flange bolt loosed just a tad and smacking it which a rubber mallet??? Maybe a bad or horrible idea. I think, either the casting of the oil pump may be a little different or the Cummins replacement sump clamps in the pan are tad different. Don’t know but any advice is appreciated.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2025
  5. IH9300SBA

    IH9300SBA Road Train Member

    Feb 26, 2021
    Don't put any of the bolts in at the oil pump and then tighten the bolts at the pan evenly and then index the flange/gasket to bolt up to the pump.
    mile marker 27 Thanks this.
  6. mile marker 27

    mile marker 27 Road Train Member

    Dec 4, 2019
    I’ll try it. I think the tube protruding into the pump is touching the cast side of the pump inlet not allowing the flared end of the tube, at the pan to sit flush.
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