Side name like thief companies have scam secondary name is Dsco logistics
Usdot 2237124
Mc 572628
address 1400 west 64th avenue
denver colorado 80221
Avoid hauling loads for navajo gave me a load heading to Lowes Home Improvement distribution. Navajo lies promising trailer will take 72 hours maximum to get unloaded. Later found out Lowe's told navajo to only use a mega carrier that can drop trailer for one month plus unload time. Lowe's use trailers as storage Lowe's gets the two for one snicky deal. Navajo gots long history as thief lying deceiver tons of bad reviews online. Lowe's abuses drivers requiring driver sit in chair outside truck in building for 7 or more hours til trailer unloads for that much time in miserable 8 pallet count.
We knew Lowe's Home Improvement store pulls scams in contractor services they guarantee backed by Lowe's promise. Including Lowe's home services if anything happens Lowe's corporate will ignore you. Now we find Lowe's abuses drivers corporate Lowe's does not care ignores complaints better to avoid Lowe's and navajo avoid geting screwed
Navajo AND Lowes AVOID these EVIL companies
Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Najrs21, Dec 3, 2024.
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So why did you book the load if they had "tons" of bad reviews?
Bumper, TB John, Lonesome and 1 other person Thank this. -
You do know if they can't unload a trailer, then just take it back.Bumper, TB John, Lonesome and 1 other person Thank this. -
Flat Earth Trucker, Bumper, Opus and 1 other person Thank this.
Navajo has been around a while. Lowes, too. It ain't theft if you turn your pockets out for em. Just sayin
Bumper, firemedic2816 and TB John Thank this. -
This one could've gotten good but it seems to be a one post wonder! How unfortunate!
Bumper, Lonesome and GoneButNotForgotten Thank this. -
I'm thinking he's an owner and brokered the load through Navajo. Home Depot and Lowe's, that's what they do. You drop the trailer, and hang out for 3 days. I learned that years ago working for a smaller company. Lowe's and Home Depot really should only deal with powerhouse companies. At the same time, holding up a trailer that long is shameful.
Knucklehead and Fredflinstoneswig Thank this. -
I'm calling b.s. regarding Lowe's. I used to deliver to them all the time. Pretty simple process really. Check in, get directed where to drop trailer. Yard jockey takes it to a door, they unload it, yard jockey brings it back to you, usually in a couple of hours or less. They were always very consistent.
Sirscrapntruckalot, TB John, Lonesome and 1 other person Thank this. -
My worse one was a Dicks Sporting Goods somewhere in Southern Indiana. Only had one door and they had a 40 year old trailer sitting in it that they used for you had to drop yours...pull out theirs....drop theirs.....hook up yours....drop it....wait til it was unloaded....drop hook their wooden framed piece of crapola trailer with two flat tires....put it in the hook yours an leave. They wouldn't let me come in the receiving door to use a restroom so I had to walk all the way around a mall building to get in and back. So when I left, I left their trailer about 5 feet from the dock.
Knucklehead, Gearjammin' Penguin, hope not dumb twucker and 5 others Thank this. -
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