Need a little advice

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by CalculatedRisk, Sep 13, 2024.

  1. CalculatedRisk

    CalculatedRisk Heavy Load Member

    Jul 26, 2022
    Space Coast
    Hi guys and gals,

    I find myself itching for the open road. Next May, my driving record will be clear. About a week ago, my best friend passed in for five years. I was his caretaker. With that being said, I have a couple of friends and family members who are willing to write me a letter saying that I was the caretaker for this individual and I just wanna know what information should be on it?

    also, has anybody used the dental device for CPAP? I know for sure you have to get a letter from your pulmonologist, which is what I’m currently doing.

    i’m sorry to bother you guys, I’d rather get information prior to my driving record being good and I want to make sure that everything is in good order.
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  3. Brandt

    Brandt Road Train Member

    Sep 17, 2012
    I think for the CPAP it comes down to the DOT physical doctor if they would accept a dental device as proof no breathing problems. I don’t think they will because their is not proof that you can show them it’s working and your using it every night.

    When I first got on CPAP the sleep doctor said he would give me the ok to drive, but when I got my DOT physical he said it was up to him because he has to sign the medical card. He wants to see the proof from the CPAP machine I was using it and it fixing the problem. A CPAP machine keep a record of it being used every night and how many hours and if it fixing the problem.
    Lonesome and CalculatedRisk Thank this.
  4. CalculatedRisk

    CalculatedRisk Heavy Load Member

    Jul 26, 2022
    Space Coast
    I will definitely call the DOT doctor and see what he and she says. That’s a good valid point and I really do appreciate you bringing that up which is why I asked in the first place.
  5. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
  6. Brandt

    Brandt Road Train Member

    Sep 17, 2012
    If someone needs a CPAP they can make a big difference if someone has it really bad. Once someone get CPAP on DOT physical you only get 1 year cards. It’s almost impossible to get off CPAP unless you get another sleep test that show you don’t have it anymore. Sleep Apnea is when someone stops breathing for 10 seconds or more 5 times or more per hour. That called an EVENT or AHI. They say 1-4 Events is normal but 5 and above is Sleep Apnea that needs fixing. You can goggle the sleep apnea scale. 30 events and above is severe sleep. 30 AHI or Events is not breathing for 10 seconds 30 times per hour. That 300 seconds divided by 60 seconds or 1 minute is 5 minutes per hour of sleep someone not breathing.

    Im just saying CPAP can make a big difference for some people but once you get the CPAP on medical records it probably not going away. People are forced to use it or not drive a truck if they won’t use the machine.
    Chinatown and CalculatedRisk Thank this.
  7. TexasRiverRat

    TexasRiverRat Light Load Member

    Sep 4, 2021
    They measured my neck at my last DOT physical then asked how I slept. I gave them the truth..."like a ####ing baby"

    Apparently I'm right at the limit for neck size, but I'm not a small man. 6'2" men will generally have a bigger frame than a guy who's only 5'8". But my neck size for my frame is more proportional than a pudgy 300 pounder who's only 5'8". There shouldn't be a set diameter to send people to sleep studies.

    I'm 245 and just generally a big guy. I couldn't imagine how weak I'd feel if I got down to 185 or 190 like they suggested I should be.
  8. Moosetek13

    Moosetek13 Road Train Member

    Nov 1, 2010
    Burnsville, MN
    And it all seems to be based on how big your neck is or how fat/big you are.

    It seems to be very subjective, because not everyone is tested.
    Maybe you would feel stronger if you were at 300?
    snowlauncher and TexasRiverRat Thank this.
  9. Brandt

    Brandt Road Train Member

    Sep 17, 2012
    The neck size thing is not a good way to pick people for sleep apnea test but it’s the one most use. I did not think I had it but my sleep test in a sleep lab said I stopped breathing like 85 times per hour. It made a big improvement for me.

    lots of stories on here of guys getting tested and they can’t sleep with CPAP but need to keep their medical card.

    You can record yourself sleeping and listen to see if you hear yourself gasping for air. If you can fall asleep in movie theater or can’t sleep on back. For years I would sleep on my side because I would sleep better. That’s a possibility sign of sleep apnea. They say vivid dreams is possible sign, I used to have dreams I was going to die and would wake up then fall back asleep but you can remember having those dream.

    I think some guys got tested for sleep apnea and maybe only had 5-7 Events and got put on CPAP they never got good results but now are faced to wear mask to keep driving.

    The sleep doctor could count wrong on sleep test or they even let computer count the sleep apnea Events. If you get bad sleep test saying you need a CPAP when you might not. I went to a sleep lab. but today lots of places use home test and let the computer score a person sleeping Events per hour.

    If the computer say someone has 5-7 Events per hour they will be put on CPAP. If they only had 2-4 Events they would not be on CPAP. I had 85 Events per hour like me it clearly sleep apnea, for me I sleep better with the machine.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2024
  10. Judge

    Judge Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    They don’t like the answer that you get your best sleep while driving.
    No sense of humor those folks.
  11. TexasRiverRat

    TexasRiverRat Light Load Member

    Sep 4, 2021
    The next time you're in a doctor's office and they ask if you feel safe at home... don't tell them "I can't answer that with her here" Her meaning my wife who is over a foot shorter and a hundred pounds lighter than me who was sitting next to me in the room.

    I thought it was hilarious until they asked my wife to leave, so I left with her. People take things too seriously nowadays for sure.
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