Need a little advice

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by CalculatedRisk, Sep 13, 2024.

  1. HillbillyDeluxeTruck

    HillbillyDeluxeTruck Road Train Member

    Mar 3, 2013
    San Antone
    So an extra $8 per hundred miles. Does that really compensate?
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  3. Brandt

    Brandt Road Train Member

    Sep 17, 2012
    They pay by the hour for detection after 1 hour. They pay it themselves even if they don’t collect it from shipper/reciver. They pay by hour when truck is in shop and even when truck is in their own shop. They also pay for l each live load and drop and hook.
  4. CalculatedRisk

    CalculatedRisk Heavy Load Member

    Jul 26, 2022
    Space Coast
    hey fellow members,

    just want to give an update and that is I should be getting my CDL back within a couple weeks. first have to get the physical, then go to the DMV and get license reinstatement. I say a couple weeks because I have to get on my CPAP again. I couldn't do the CPAP during the hurricane and I lost power for right around four days. So I will go back to doing the CPAP with my dental appliance. already spoken to my doctor and he said he'll write me off and wishes me the best of luck.
    88 Alpha Thanks this.
  5. CalculatedRisk

    CalculatedRisk Heavy Load Member

    Jul 26, 2022
    Space Coast
    also for those of you in my shoes who were taking care of an elderly person/best friend till they passed, get a letter with the dates that you were taking care of said person, and get signatures verifying it and get it notarized. this shows that this has been your primary job and all should be good.

    i'm going to start out looking local. If the local jobs want me to wait until my failure to yield falls off in may of next year, I'm cool with it. my speeding ticket will fall off at the end of January of next year. Hopefully that opens up some doors for me.
    88 Alpha Thanks this.
  6. Moose1958

    Moose1958 Road Train Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Williesburg, Virignia
    The best advice is to find a Medical Examiner that does not play those OSA games. Not all MEs do that BS! Look, if you have problems with getting restful sleep by all means get a sleep study done and either use the CPAP or use that device. If that solves the problem the Sleep Study Doc will give you a clean bill of health that is good enough for the ME. If you are sleeping OK, then do what you can to avoid getting entangled with that OSA BS. Once you get in that crap it is next to impossible to get rid of it.
    Oxbow Thanks this.
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