never sleep again at CRETE

Discussion in 'Crete' started by 1casey05, Oct 12, 2006.

  1. dluvv1976

    dluvv1976 Bobtail Member

    Does crete let you drive their trucks home????
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  3. bowlwinkle

    bowlwinkle Heavy Load Member

    Aug 27, 2008
    Ankeny, IA
    Depends where you live, but in most cases, yes. I usually park mine at the truck stop 3 miles from my house.
    dluvv1976 Thanks this.
  4. dluvv1976

    dluvv1976 Bobtail Member

    yea i just found out today, same as usual as long as you have a secure place to park. just talked to em today and am goin to orientation monday, after leaving covenant they caNT be no worse than them but they are payin me real nice now are they gonna run me rem,ains to be seen. preciate your response to brutha
  5. dluvv1976

    dluvv1976 Bobtail Member

    dont know if you got my last response but basically said thanks for responding
    bowlwinkle Thanks this.
  6. The Specialist

    The Specialist Light Load Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    You tell 'em BettyAnn! It sounds like someone is trying to get over! Do what needs to be done,and do it correctly and there really shouldn't be any problems...
  7. Solidarity

    Solidarity Bobtail Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Chesapeake Va
    Here, Hear!
  8. Solidarity

    Solidarity Bobtail Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Chesapeake Va
    Hey Kilgore I'm right now waiting for past job verification to get on with them, I've driven for Schneider/Prime/crst Malone/ and T&T farms, but unfortunately all those jobs just under 3 yrs though. The last three were lease opt.s but prime and Malone were just a rip off as far as i'm concerned. The way they set up these lease programs it's the driver that it's tuff on not the company, should be a 50/50 risk I think, but it's more like a 80/20. Anyway these lease companies have left a bad taste in my mouth in regard to leasing, not sure I could trust another, but they've made a believer outta me to go back to a company driver position. Happy to hear that crete has apu's on the trucks, I absolutely hate Idling , hard to sleep (light sleeper). How long have you been with the company? Sound like a decent company and seems as if you keep the wheels rolling you get paid for your efforts.
  9. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    you may want to check the dates on the post's you read about Crete having APU's. Our trucks only had 1 model year get them, but not the entire fleet of trucks got them that year, only the trucks that were under a certain mileage...we're talking 6-700 trucks total between Crete and Shaffer. Those trucks have since been traded, or are sitting waiting to be sold. All our trucks, with the exception of a few of the older trucks due to be traded within 12 mos, are the battery pack powered 'no idle' units. Many of which have been to the shop repeatedly for problems with that system. No more diesel powered APU's(aka gen sets)on our trucks.
  10. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    You may want to check the dates of the post's your reading...Crete/Shaffer drivers aren't turning any where near the miles in the quoted post. I've been here 9 years, and this will be the 3 worst year I have had...I might be lucky to cross the 120,000 mile level...and this is with almost the same number of days away from home as the last couple of years. (days out in the 320's). I'm with Crete, and Crete drivers are averaging more miles/year than Shaffer.
  11. Solidarity

    Solidarity Bobtail Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Chesapeake Va
    So your saying the battery powered suck? too many problems? And my last question, if it goes down do you have the ability to Idle? I actually don't need to let the truck idle in most parts of the winter (depending on what part of the country I'm in) because I can sleep better, just use a good comforter. But when it gets warm that's a different story, I need it cold when I sleep. The only thing that's a negative with that is of course when you wake up, it's cold and you have to piss immediately LOL.:biggrin_2556:
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