New Driver Looking For Advice On Choosin A Company

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by blk mamba, Jan 21, 2007.

  1. blk mamba

    blk mamba Bobtail Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    Hello good people of this great web site,

    My user name is blk mamba, iam a recent graduate looking for a true respectfull and honest opinion! i live in the NC area and iam blessed to have a loveing family my wife is a nurse and i have four kids wich one is handycap so if i can help it at all to stay as close as i can to home , iam aware of the do's and dont's and what to look for and what not to look for or accept, now as far as understanding in a nice manner that young student drivers new to the industry with familes are in line to be screwd for awhile untill you reach the exprienced level,so in saying that i welcome people with wisdom and helpfull words in my decission makeing,
    thank you all for your words
    "blk mamba"
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  3. KD5AXG

    KD5AXG Papa Bear

    Sep 3, 2006
    Commerce, Texas
    Gonna be tough to get a regional right out of school. Look for a company that runs the east most often. The closer the terminal, the better the chance you get to get home.

    My company runs south and east. Might want to give them a look-see.

    Paschall Truck Lines out of Murray, Ky.

    Good luck on your search. Its tough being a newbie. I know. I have bad knees and a recent prehire accident that just recently became an injury accident. I had to find a company that had automatics and no touch freight.

    Welcome to the forum!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    I did not think PTL used to take students. They must have changed policies somewhere. I have talked to a few of their drivers they seemed happy for the most part. Talked to one in VA. We were parked side by side. Said his Mom's health got bad and they got him there quick. I had one run in with an O/O on hwy 45 from them. He was passing me while reading his map. Figured out he missed his exit and almost put me off the road. I had to leave the road on the shoulder to miss him, but held it together. Happens, there is always at least one at every company! :razz:
  5. KD5AXG

    KD5AXG Papa Bear

    Sep 3, 2006
    Commerce, Texas
    I hired on as a graduate. They put us with a trainer for 5000 to 7000 miles.

    I had prior truck experience, so they cut me loose early.
  6. panhandlepat

    panhandlepat Road Train Member

    Jan 12, 2007
    welcome to the board mamba, i am going to TDI/CDI Werner is one of the companies they deal with and they have "regional" routes. he told me there was a waiting list though.
  7. KD5AXG

    KD5AXG Papa Bear

    Sep 3, 2006
    Commerce, Texas
    Um, watch Werner. Safety rating is not good at all. Best advice I can give is to search out companies that DON'T advertise for drivers. That is how I found my company.
  8. blk mamba

    blk mamba Bobtail Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    hey bro i really appreciate the help, i gave your company a call and talk with a guy name eddy. I gave him my info and he called me back and offerd me a job,he told me alot of things and it sounds great but he's a recruiter. Bro iam like everyone else that who has a family i just want to be sure so i continue to ask questions. Now if you don't mind can you tell me the proccess i will go threw and what to expect, and how often do they get you home,and do they pay on time. I think the more info is better to relate to my family

    thank you very much,
    ps. one day we may meet if you still work there.
  9. KD5AXG

    KD5AXG Papa Bear

    Sep 3, 2006
    Commerce, Texas
    With pleasure, but you will have to tell them I sent you!! :smt112

    Ok, this is a trucking company as no TC is perfect. However, I really don't have any major gripes with them. You will be bussed to Paduca(?), KY via Greyhound, then bussed to Murray via PTL bus. They put you up in a motel down the road from the training center. First day is drug screen, physical and paperwork. Second day is some training and more paperwork. Third day is more training, paperwork, and if all goes well, truck/trainer assignment. The motel provides a small breakfast, PTL caters lunch, and they give you $7 for dinner. There are a couple of resturants that deliver that you can eat for under $7.

    Pay is every Friday and they have not screwed that up yet. Getting home can be a trick, but not in a bad way. For every 6 days out, you earn 1 day home. Now, you can put in for home time on each 7th day you are out, but you won't make the money. I personally try to stay out for at least 3 weeks, and take 3 days off. I get longer runs that way. Training pay is not all that, but they pay you per truck mile not a flat rate. Starting pay is .29 a mile, but like I said, I can't complain. PTL gives you choices most others don't, like the choice to run NYC, northeast, Hazmat, etc. They will pay you more for those runs if you want to try it. I personally run the northeast, but not NYC or Hazmat.

    Hope I answered most of your questions. Let me know if I can be of any further assistance. :)
  10. panhandlepat

    panhandlepat Road Train Member

    Jan 12, 2007
    i have also read that in other posts too KD5

    hey KD5, i checked out the site and noticed they had a terminal pretty close to me in Mobile. the site also said that students had to be from an "accredited" school. does that mean a PTDI accredited school or what?
  11. blk mamba

    blk mamba Bobtail Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    well bro your the man i really do thank you,
    heres what eddy told me, just like you said i would go to kentucky and do a three day intake thing ware i would make $500 for those days,and after the 3rd day i hit the road with a trainer for 7000 miles or so during that time i'll make 20cent a mile, after being out on the road i'll return to kentucky and from there i get my own truck and start working makeing 29cent a mile with a rise every year. Now what does northeast consist of and when does the benifits start, and do you bring the truck home, is there any slip seating,do they use log books how miny miles a driver drives a week. bro i can go on and on but i dont want to over do it, i just like getting as much info as i can to help my family not hurt them.

    thanks again bro
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