New driver soon

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by SainthoodDenied, Jun 28, 2007.

  1. SainthoodDenied

    SainthoodDenied Bobtail Member

    Jun 28, 2007
    Hello everyone

    I just got prehired by Star Transport out of Illinois and leave for CDL training early August. I've been reading several message boards for awhile and seen good and bad about them but that's the case for every trucking company I've ever heard of on the forums. After all the reading I'm not sure any of them are good,some do seem worse than others though.
    I got the same sorta questions as alot of others I guess but my situation is I'm 36 years old with a high school education only,I worked in my family buisness till a couple years ago when I decided I was tired of it and was never doing it again, now I'm tired of being a cook and grocery stocker and factory worker. I looked into the paid CDL training option 13 years ago where I'm prehired by a company and get my CDL and go to work but I was married then with a one year old and it just wasn't possible for me to do.
    Now I've been divorced for 6 years and after partying a few years have settled down and am tired of dead end jobs where nobody cares about anything but screwing off asmuch as possible and getting a check.
    I've worked for a trucking company in their shop for a year in the past, Dixieland Express before they sold out and I'm still interested in driving and have a little knowledge about trucks from that experience.
    If anyone currently drives for Star any info about that company and their program and trainers would be helpful.
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