New hire at Celedon

Discussion in 'Celadon' started by Jackiejones1107, Oct 23, 2018.

  1. Jackiejones1107

    Jackiejones1107 Bobtail Member

    Oct 23, 2018
    Wilmington DELAWARE
    What can i expect going in as a new grad without experience. Give it to me straight! My recruiter Jeff seem cool.
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  3. wishuponastar

    wishuponastar Bobtail Member

    Nov 28, 2018
    Things were good at first. Then started sitting all the time for no pay. Running all over looking for trailers that weren’t there. People wouldn’t get back with you when you tried to talk to them. They just leave you hanging, so idk if you ever have an emergency what would happen. I hope others have better luck than I did. But I have read others post and their stories are the same as mine.
  4. John A.

    John A. Light Load Member

    Jun 21, 2018
    Montgomery, MI
    Were you OTR? I'm starting orientation Monday in Indy. They said I'll probably be on a dedicated run, $200 a day, home daily, but I might wind up regional instead if the run fills up first.
    Chinatown Thanks this.
  5. Komputergod

    Komputergod Bobtail Member

    Mar 6, 2018
    The ABSOLUTE worst company I’ve ever worked for!!! When it comes to why....I don’t even know where to start! The games never stop at Celadon...I only lasted a year and that year was too long.
  6. Snakeschasingcars

    Snakeschasingcars Heavy Load Member

    Mar 22, 2018
    I worked there for a little over a year. Went to there school. I didnt know ####. If i knew now what i didnt know than. Id gone some place else.

    Expect to drive 15% more than what you get paid for. Its rediculas.
    Payroll is never right... Alot drivers dont check or to stupid to check. They count on that.
    Getting it corrected is like pulling teeth..
    They will screw you on detention pay.
    They will screw you on lay over pay.
    Good luck getting a hotelroom if you brake down... Thay can take hours and its all on you to figure out how to get there and pay for it.
    You can end up days looking for empty trailer. Making next to nothing for it.
    They have no idea where there trailers are at.
    They will scedule apointments at places that are closed on the weekend. Make you sit all weekend to deliver on Monday when yoi show up and find its closed Saturday morning per there scheduled apointments.
    They will charge you for tolls. Sometimes cost more than you earned on the trip....
    They will wake you up on your brake constantly.
    There pay is one the lowest in tje iindustrie.
    They will lie to you every step of the way just to get the load ddelivered. Your on your own if your in a jam. Dont expect any kind of help. If by some chance someone trys to help... Omfg you will find out fast how completely idiotic the management team is and have no idea or even ability to comprehend your in a tractor and trailer.. No one held accountable for anything. Except you. You will be held accountable for eeverything.

    They say driver first...
    The forget to add the part
    To be screwd...

    Jeff job is to get you to there terminal no matter what. Its his job to "seem cool"...
    Jeff coule ccareless about you or what happens to you once you there.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2018
  7. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    How long ago did you work there; before or after the reorganization?
  8. ad356

    ad356 Road Train Member

    Mar 13, 2017
    got grammer? wow that's badly written.
  9. Just passing by

    Just passing by Road Train Member

    Feb 25, 2017
    Grammar. Got a clue?
    McUzi and intrepidor Thank this.
  10. Komputergod

    Komputergod Bobtail Member

    Mar 6, 2018
    I worked there 2 years from 2013 to 2015...
  11. Snakeschasingcars

    Snakeschasingcars Heavy Load Member

    Mar 22, 2018
    Listen you little piss ant.
    Ill shove my bad grammer up your asd
    And your going to like it.
    LtlAnonymous Thanks this.
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