New in RGN/Lowboy world needing advice

Discussion in 'Heavy Haul Trucking Forum' started by William Barrizonte-Rojas, Dec 2, 2024.

  1. William Barrizonte-Rojas

    William Barrizonte-Rojas Bobtail Member

    Sep 26, 2015
    Hello Truckers, I just purchased a Fontaine Renegade 18 since the shipper I'm contracted to, will require more height capacity with their new shipping crates that I will not be able to haul on a regular step deck trailer like I was all these years; my questions to you seasoned RGN/Lowboy hauler are: since the loads I'm set to haul won't be the overweight ones, they will be focused on high loads (not overheight) and some oversized from time to time: what type of chains, length and how many will I need, also the same with the 4" straps, length and how many will I need to buy since the ones I have now are useless on an RGN/Lowboy trailer, I really appreciate your advice and answers and honestly I'm nervous since I've read so many horror stories about getting hung up on RR and stuck or hitting under an overpass.

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  3. SomeCanadian

    SomeCanadian Light Load Member

    Nov 11, 2021
    Your trailer will dictate what you need.

    Look at the ratings on the stickers. Find the chain size that fits best, eg: 5000lbs tie down use 3/8, 8klbs use 7/16, etc. For length I have come to prefer 4’ x8, 6’ x 8 & 12’ x 6. Minimum of 12 binders for those weird multi part loads. I found 2’ chain to come in handy at times. Most will say just buy a bunch of 20’ and work it. If it won’t break your bank go for a higher grade and smaller size to save your back.

    For straps, max rating of trailer and divide by 5000. Or start with twelve each of both 30 & 40 footers. 4 x 4” hand winches and 8 x 2”. If the boxes are over width and you are using straps may need to up it to ten hand winches on chains.

    Some of this will only matter on the back haul.
  4. 50WT

    50WT Road Train Member

    Dec 26, 2015
    Hard to say what you'll need without knowing what you're hauling. If it's crates I would think 4" straps. You can buy them in different lengths and also get them with short chains with hooks on the strap end and the winch end. The chains let you tie to D rings . Wish I could be more help. I will add get some mule tape , It'll be much easier to tie a wrench or something to the mule tape and throw over and tie to straps to pull over. Much easier than throwing straps over something that large, especially in the wind.
  5. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    Depending on the RGN setup, you might need some of these


    Most of our RGN trailers only have D-rings or the cutouts in the frame, they don't have anywhere to attach a regular strap or rachet. These allow you to connect a 4" strap to a D-ring. You don't want to have your straps hooked under the deck to the inside lip of the frame, any little low clearance drag will take a strap out.
  6. William Barrizonte-Rojas

    William Barrizonte-Rojas Bobtail Member

    Sep 26, 2015
    Thank you very much for your information and quick reply, be safe out there!!
  7. William Barrizonte-Rojas

    William Barrizonte-Rojas Bobtail Member

    Sep 26, 2015
    Your reply is highly appreciated, be safe!!
  8. William Barrizonte-Rojas

    William Barrizonte-Rojas Bobtail Member

    Sep 26, 2015
    Thank you for the info, you're right, I've never seen that kind of tie down but it makes a lot of sense, pardon my lack of knowledge but I'm new in this Lowboy/RGN environment, be safe!!
  9. Left Lane Wayne

    Left Lane Wayne Bobtail Member

    Dec 5, 2024
    You're purchasing an RGN to haul freight for your customer and you don't know what type of securement equipment you need? I guess I'll be THAT guy... What a world we live in..
  10. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    At least he's asking questions and trying to do the right thing. New guys are a PITA but if we don't help them they can become a dangerous PITA.
    Why not cut him some pun intended.
  11. Left Lane Wayne

    Left Lane Wayne Bobtail Member

    Dec 5, 2024
    I guess I'm just used to guys who pull RGN's and buy RGN's know wtf they're doing. But hey cut him some slack. Yah, no wonder the industry is so messed up. The government set your standards so, my comment WAS cutting him some slack...
    ElmerFudpucker Thanks this.
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