New Job with Schneider Dedicated (oil and gas industry south texas)

Discussion in 'Oilfield Trucking Forum' started by stepanahalf, Jul 7, 2011.

  1. stepanahalf

    stepanahalf Bobtail Member

    Jun 16, 2011
    San Antonio, Texas
    We've started doing some equipment moves. I went out last night around 4 a.m. and moved a truck to a rig site. The chase car driver drove 4 of us back to Leming. He was concerned that we get our reset because it is going to get real busy.

    p.s. My wife had another ultrasound today. They said the baby is already 8 pounds and are moving the due date up to September 1st from the 7th!
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  3. stepanahalf

    stepanahalf Bobtail Member

    Jun 16, 2011
    San Antonio, Texas
    Okay, so the job is going well. Schneider seems to be ramping up the hiring. We heard advertisements on the radio in Laredo and San Antonio. Observers came from Green Bay(Schneider headquarters) and New York to watch and learn more about this job. They joined us on a mobilization/demobilization trip as well as a cement delivery to a rig site. It is starting to get more busy but I still sometimes have one to three days off at a time. I've been spending a lot of time riding in the "chase" car out to well sites and Schlumberger terminals 2-3 hours away not including an hour or more driving on the lease road. Last week I worked on a job which required me to move two trucks 3.8 miles each from one well site to another. It was at least a 12 hour day. Basically got dispatched to Leming at 7:15 a.m. then were told the trucks wouldn't be ready until 11:30 a.m. The site was about 1.5 hours away near Tilden, Tx. We arrived at the site and didn't get our first truck to move until after 2 p.m.

    There tend to be mostly minor issues with a large percentage of the trucks. I would say mostly lights not working. I have moved a couple of flatbeds (i've never driven flatbeds before) and they usually have some loose straps or cargo that isn't secured properly. Sometimes the air conditioning doesn't cool even in brand new trucks with a couple thousand miles on them. It's not that big a deal but it has been 110 degrees last weekend and consistently over 100 here lately. We definitely need to carry lots of water on these runs.

    We picked up almost 40 trucks from one hydraulic fracturing operation a couple of weeks ago. They were a big mess. The trucks including windshields and mirrors were covered dirt. Even the inside of the cabs were covered in a thick layer of dust. Trash can be found laying anywhere and everywhere on the truck and trailer including inside the cab. Water and soda(pop) bottles and food wrappers. I found a fuel filter full of diesel laying on the trailer. Sticky contaminated gloves and stuff like that.

    We are expected to clean out the cabs and sweep them out. We also wash down and fuel the trucks whenever delivering them to the Schlumberger yards. The Leming yard is closing (i believe) soon and they are opening a new yard in San Antonio(Von Ormy). The wash bay is sometimes out of commission at Leming. Also one of the two fuel pumps is broken or out of diesel and the other pump was pumping so slow the other day a Schlumberger employee said he had been there fueling his trailer for 45 minutes.

    I am not trying to be positive or negative about my experience so far. I am just describing what I have seen. This type of work is new to me and very interesting. I am looking forward to milder weather however.

    Well I have today and the next three days off. I'll be taking my wife to the hospital in the morning so she can have her baby. It's my first and her third.
  4. kwray

    kwray Medium Load Member

    Jun 14, 2009
    I've heard similar things too. That a couple big companies are moving into the Barnett and Fayetteville shale areas and driving the wages down. I live in the Marcellus area and already similar things are happening. They started out paying the drivers $20 or more an hour and now its down to $17 or $18 (which is still pretty decent, especially if you get time and a half after 40 hrs). The owner operators were getting $110 an hour and now thats down to around $90. I'm wondering if this gas drilling boom isn't all its cracked up to be for a variety of reasons.
  5. Seattle206

    Seattle206 Light Load Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Thanks for the information on this experience. I would like to know a few things that I have noticed.

    1: You get a Salary of $925.00 a week, how long is that pay?

    2: Has the worked picked up? "It may have because you aren't posting much" But when you got to hourly those days off would be a deal killer for myself.

    3: Could you also tell us about the living conditions in the area you are in?

    4: Did you just get your CDL A ?

    Thank You
    Rowdy1 Thanks this.
  6. stepanahalf

    stepanahalf Bobtail Member

    Jun 16, 2011
    San Antonio, Texas
    Sorry it took me a long time to respond. I don't check here regularly.

    p.s. I got some cool photos


    catahoula Thanks this.
  7. 07-379Pete

    07-379Pete Crusty Commando-Pete

    Oct 3, 2008
    Campbellsville, Ky
    When Schneider gets a foot hold in south Texas the rates and wages for every one will go down. There aim is 300 trucks and for that to happen the rates will have to be cut. The greed in Green Bay rolls on.:biggrin_25511:
  8. jollymon109

    jollymon109 Bobtail Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    any updates on the oilfield jobs??
  9. RockinChair

    RockinChair Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    CC, TX
    If you're plugging up, open the jet line valve some more. What tank pressure are y'all using to unload, and how far is the push?
  10. Roadwarriorking

    Roadwarriorking Light Load Member

    Mar 24, 2012
    Miami, Fl

    hey man , after 10 month , u still working with them...?....
  11. Truckmobile

    Truckmobile Bobtail Member

    Jun 19, 2012
    stepanahalf are you still workin in the eagle ford? congrats on the little girl thanks for the info
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