Newbie FAQ

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by tjgosurf, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. dirtyjerz

    dirtyjerz glowing beard pouty kid

    Jun 7, 2011
    Playing in Traffic
    Not entirely true. I live in jersey, got my permit in jersey and went to school in deleware. Road tested and got my cdl in jersey. However i believe your right about a nj permit/de license
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  3. Smokeyjr

    Smokeyjr Bobtail Member

    Mar 5, 2010
    I got my cdl 10 years ago. Drove local about 3 years. Have not driven since.
    Laid off in 2008 and been doing "contract work" for the last couple years. Want to drive but having trouble getting my foot in the door. Any ideas?
  4. Dave_AL

    Dave_AL Light Load Member

    Aug 9, 2011
    Everything I've been getting is that if you have been out of a truck (verifiable OTR) for a period longer than your previous experience, you will have to go back through training and become "recertified." I've only found one company to offer to take me on with only a 3-day refresher (+orientation) without charging me tons of money, and that was Pam. I.... uh.... haven't bitten on that one yet. Still looking. I've had plenty offer to put me in their school, though, or take me after I attend another school.
  5. stone24

    stone24 Bobtail Member

    Sep 8, 2011
    Dallas, Tx
    Fortunately my life doesn't depend on thinking up more cliche lines for that post. C'mon, now, I can't be the only new guy that's tired of hearing people regurgitate what they've read on motivational posters in the dispatch office. That $tuff's for the birds, and college grads with office jobs, to remind them how much they envy truckers' freedom. This is my first post. I've been chatting with unhealthy truckers at the local truck stop, and they all complain about this or that. I will be third generation trucker now that i'm out of the army, and I think I've just about had enough of you fellas complaining about $tuff that's your own #### fault. It always comes down to time and money. After driving a truck in Iraq looking for ieds and carrying ten + troops in the back of an lmtv for $h1t pay, I reckon $300/per week to stay away from all the annoying spoiled no-class drama civilians in day to day life is ok. The only downside I see is having to hear the no-class spoiled civilian truck drivers complain about $tuff all the time. I suspect most of you like trucking for the same reason I do: avoid 'normal' life, because you don't fit in or it 'sucks'. Suppose you made more money and had more time. I bet you'd die from all the extra time you'd have to spend living with yourself without having to focus on driving. Imagine staying up for 24hr+ driving (at night without headlights only NVGs) eating MREs when you should be sleeping and ######## in a hole in the ground. Suppose you'd stop your beechin when you got your nice company/oo job back, if you even made it back. Just get over yourselves, holy $hia!
  6. Eaton18

    Eaton18 Road Train Member

    Sep 3, 2011
    Waverly, KS
    Come on now, tell us how you really feel.. :biggrin_25523: No offense meant, really like your post.

    Oh and more importantly.. Glad you made it back, and most important.. Thank you for your service!!
    charlie's angel and jbizzle Thank this.
  7. fortycalglock

    fortycalglock Road Train Member

    Jun 25, 2011
    Tourist Town, FL
    Sorry GI Joe, most people that last more than a year in this industry are here to make money. The misfits rarely survive due to having to follow a lot of rules. Your holier than thou attitude will not do well in this industry, and it's easy to see why you feel you don't "fit in". Just like almost every other military braggart, the HSLD guys never talk about what they have done, and the REMF and pogues can't shut their trap.
    jzw and stone24 Thank this.
  8. stone24

    stone24 Bobtail Member

    Sep 8, 2011
    Dallas, Tx
    I know what I'm capable of now. You sound like my grandpa talkin like I can't hack it cause of a bunch of new rules and regs and the hard life. I've been livin rules n' regs n' the hard life for a bit now, and I can do it. No question there. As for the pogue comment. Yeah I was 'non-infantry' buddy, but last time I checked anyone that walks/drives outside the wire in a uniform has an equal opportunity to get blown up or shot at, so next time you wanna talk ####, think first. I bet you're one of those CB parking lot nazi's making fun of folks trying to back in, too lazy to step off your arse and help out. Military braggart? You've never been in a real fight in your life have ya?

    btw- I'm single without debt, and hardly any bills, so I'll be making money no matter what I choose to do. I understand some people consider trucking a last resort, and they might not understand why it's my first career choice. Men like you who got laid off from your cush cubicle job, but some men aren't made for that kind of work. When the economy picks up your type will be the first to go back and leave the truck, so don't try quoting some #### about misfits not surviving. It makes you sound like one of those people regurgitating crap they don't understand and thought it sounded smart. Got news: it doesn't.

    I know that's harsh and rude even, so I want to say this. I won't blame it on anyone, I tend to be an ### when I get shot at. Perhaps you have my best interests in mind, but you have to realize that I'm only 24 years old and 9 times out of 10 I'll ask for advice, turn around and do my own thing anyway. I've learned a lot that way, and I've got a lot more learnin to do before I stop being stubborn and thick headed. I know what my physical and mental limitations are at the age of 24. THink about that for a moment. I know what I can and cannot do. There are a lot of things I can't do, but trucking isn't one of them. If that makes me 'holier than thou', suck it up. And for the record, yes I have lived in worse conditions than you and most drivers (Period). So I know that I know that I know that I know, I can do it, so stoooooooooooop making it sound difficult. My eyes and ears are bleeding from that ####.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2011
  9. fortycalglock

    fortycalglock Road Train Member

    Jun 25, 2011
    Tourist Town, FL
    Ok you got me. I didn't realize you were just a troll.
    jzw Thanks this.
  10. crazy4chrome

    crazy4chrome Light Load Member

    Aug 21, 2011
    Chicago Il
    Looks like you will become the next know the kind of guy that will take a subject,turn it around and then tell us his life story.
    THANK YOU FOR THE SERVICE TO THIS COUNTRY....It sounds like that is all you wanted was to let us all know that you fought overseas....good luck with the search for a job now that you are back,the big trucking companies that will hire you LOVE the new tough-guy know-it-alls.
    Be careful of the wizz test...I think you might need to slow down on the meds. :biggrin_2551::biggrin_2551::biggrin_2551:
  11. stone24

    stone24 Bobtail Member

    Sep 8, 2011
    Dallas, Tx
    Maybe I will become a supertrucker. I'll let you know how it goes after I complete 7 weeks at Amarillo College's Truck Driving Academy and hire on as a company driver otr. A buddy of mine might join me. It would be cool to have company otr. I hear some companies only hire teams. So, we'll let you know.

    I just wanted to vent my annoyance at drivers who complain and repeat the same complaints of every other driver. At a certain point it becomes cliche, and he just tipped the scale. So I felt compelled to join the forum and flame him. I also read here a lot, so it just made sense to join anyway.
    Tough-guy-troll-braggart-know-it-all-dope-head, signing off.:naka:
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2011
    jimboelrodou Thanks this.
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