Newbie Questions for CRE Drivers

Discussion in 'CR England' started by KMac, Apr 28, 2012.

  1. KMac

    KMac Road Train Member

    Jan 26, 2012
    Waxahachie, TX
    Due to the change in the TX licensing regulations I will not be heading to Dallas for Stevens School on 5/7... so I started looking at other options and a recruiter from CRE offered me the 0 Tuition for a 6 month contract deal.

    Now I can work anywhere for 6 months, and I would hope I can make the best of it while doing so, so I am seriously considering this option.

    I have no real intention of leasing from anyone at this time. I am not against it in principle and I do think it is something I would like to do eventually, but I prefer to get my feet wet and learn the business first.

    I drove a truck in Europe for 5 years in the 80's in what would be considered a cross between regional and local, some days short runs and home, some overnight runs, and some two to three day runs, so the driving part does not concern me so much. I will be rusty for sure and there will be some kinks to work out without question, but the principles of backing and cornering and things like that have not changed too much I would guess. Now we only used 40' trailers, but once you got off the Autobahn, a lot of those roads in Germany were designed years ago for horse and carriages. There was not a lot of room to work with, so again, the need to work through the rust.

    Anyway, if you are still reading after my little departure into irrelevancy to the post, I do have a couple of questions for any experienced CRE drivers out there.

    1.) Understanding my desire to earn before I lease, I have read it may take 2 - 3 months after training to find a truck as a solo company driver. Is that accurate?

    2) As a company driver, on home time will I be allowed to take the truck home, park it at a truck stop or will it need to be in a secure lot?

    Thanks for any feedback you guys may have.

    p.s. I am looking at heading to Indiana on 5/14 unless anything else changes.
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  3. SHOJim

    SHOJim Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    Columbus, Ohio
    Are you going to Burns Harbor, In or Richmond, In?
  4. KMac

    KMac Road Train Member

    Jan 26, 2012
    Waxahachie, TX

    Not sure yet, she just said Indiana, but I would guess Richmond... I am in Delaware and that is a bit closer than Burns Harbor... I am supposed to call her Monday for Travel Arrangements
  5. JACC0811

    JACC0811 Light Load Member

    Jun 12, 2010
    Dayton, OH
    I'm not sure about #1 yet, but for #2 I have been told by many people at CRE that as long as you live a certain distance from a main terminal and you don't have to go too far out of route, there is no problem with taking the truck home. I live in SW Ohio and was told I can take the truck home. I have a secure place to park truck and trailer and I'm only a few miles from I-75, I-70 and I-675.
    KMac Thanks this.
  6. SHOJim

    SHOJim Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    Columbus, Ohio
    Kmac..If I go to CRE, I hope to go to Richmond. My folks live in Hamilton,Oh. Be about a 45 minute drive, but, would be able to stay and eat in exchange for some chores...
  7. KMac

    KMac Road Train Member

    Jan 26, 2012
    Waxahachie, TX

    Thanks! I just reread my questions...

    1 should say my desire to LEARN before I lease, not earn... although that would be OK too...

    I am about 15 miles of I95 so I hope that is not too far. Also the Burlington NJ drop yard is only about 70 miles give or take...

    Thanks again for the info, good luck out there and be safe. There was a fatal rollover here in Delaware just last week on one of the entrance ramps to I95, respect the ramps!
  8. KMac

    KMac Road Train Member

    Jan 26, 2012
    Waxahachie, TX

    That would be nice, but if this is as fast paced as it sounds, there may not be time for the commute...

    I hope it works out for you though.
  9. russellkanning

    russellkanning Medium Load Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    Frost, TX
    lots of people are in your shoes and want to work for a while before you are entirely responsible for a truck

    yea tx changed it's rules so the school in dallas probably cannot handle out of staters anymore
    KMac Thanks this.
  10. JACC0811

    JACC0811 Light Load Member

    Jun 12, 2010
    Dayton, OH
    I live in Dayton and was going to commute too, but I would have had to drive our family's Suburban and spend $150.00 a week in fuel, so I decided to stay in the motel. But after the mess we have gone through with lodging, I would have rather spent the money in fuel lol.
  11. Brownyjr36

    Brownyjr36 Bobtail Member

    Jun 26, 2011
    Coon rapids, mn
    Hope this helps.
    1. It can take that long, it can be less though if you are willing to try a regional fleet or whatever they may have available. If you want to go national you may have to wait.
    2. you can take the truck home unless you live close to a drop yard. I park mine at a truckstop about 15 minutes from home.
    KMac Thanks this.
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