Oil and Water Jobs in Central and Northern Oklahoma

Discussion in 'Oilfield Trucking Forum' started by nd-newbie, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. nd-newbie

    nd-newbie Light Load Member

    Sep 15, 2011
    Minot ND
    Someone sent me a PM regarding my signature. Yes, it's true... one can hop a plane in Minot and be in a tropical climate in just hours (if you don't count the Denver or MSP layover). I know guys who fly to Mexico every three months for a week. Others go to Miami or the Keys. They come back with a tan and look quite out of place among the lily-white faces here in zero UV country... but they are geared up and ready to roll for another three months, always voicing the number of days remaining until they can return to their paradise.

    I just enjoy being home.
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  3. WideSkyND

    WideSkyND Light Load Member

    Apr 16, 2012
    Costco in Billings or Fargo now, new Menards in Minot, and much more coming. Sams Club pesonally do not care for as much. Like the produce offerings with Costco, can goods, cereals, customer service unbelievable. They pay living wages to their employees, a friends wife in Boise has 20yrs with them and does well, nearly matches his transport wages when the benefits and profit sharing are added he says
    If you want something added to the store, they actually call you, when we have asked the same of Sams, they rarely if ever respond, go figure this
  4. nd-newbie

    nd-newbie Light Load Member

    Sep 15, 2011
    Minot ND
    Yes! Costco opened a few months ago in West Fargo. My wife is looking forward to getting back there. She says the meat and fish is MUCH better than Wally-World. I like the big sizes of everything.

    Will return to the Bakken next week to get back to work and work off some of the Southern cooking I have recently absorbed. Hope to work with a nice O/O who needs an honest hard worker... that's me. I hope he is about ready.
  5. WideSkyND

    WideSkyND Light Load Member

    Apr 16, 2012
    Owner op? thats redicoulous, atleast learn me on here. Exactly how qualified are you? You know better than to work with these small outfits out here. if you have atleast 3yrs exp, all safe, no more than one ticket(no excessive speeding)atleast 1yr of tanker?pm me, and this is just for nd-newbie
    have direct lead on a real banger over in berthold, open right now! Good god, but be qualified cause this outfit takes no prisoners on the background check, either way, even if none of this interests yah, good luck and maybe we'll run into each other, I'm around up in that area of the patch
  6. WideSkyND

    WideSkyND Light Load Member

    Apr 16, 2012
    And Sams Club is just a parody of the real wholesale gig, must be why that bismarck pkng lot is so empty all the time. yeah, we have left requests, and called them on items that have disappeared from shelves not to return, just to ask the question atleast, know what, not a single reply, and the store personnel have no clue whatsoever. and watch out for the garbage and gaping holes in the pavement, I bounced across the same just before the ice covered everything up,'ouch'
  7. nd-newbie

    nd-newbie Light Load Member

    Sep 15, 2011
    Minot ND
    Owner-operators pay more. I have 3 yrs up here, hauling water and oil, with nothing against my golden ticket or personal record. Most I have seen for a 12-hour slip-seat water job from a big firm is $340/day plus quarterly safety bonus (which is never considered compensation, because it is strictly "maybe money" subject to other people's opinions and emotions). Most I have seen for the same, hauling oil, is between $350-$400/day on commission (more maybe money), rushing and cutting safety corners to get in one more load, and maybe cutting into the night guy's hours. No thanks.

    I will not work on commission, which essentially rules out me driving crude oil in the Bakken. Those oil settlement sheets can be manipulated with ease, and I prefer to work the hours and KNOW what my check will be. There is no incentive to be safe when working on commission, and my golden ticket is far more valuable to me than any safety bonus. So, no thanks to any driving position paid by commission or by the mile.

    I have been working safety enforcement over a few dozen trucks for a small firm down in OK (nearest Costco is 4 hours away in Dallas), and while the pickup and home living are preferable to a semi and sleeper, the money down in the warmer South left me cold. Hence, my pending return to the Bakken, probably to haul flowback or oil... BY THE HOUR.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2013
  8. nd-newbie

    nd-newbie Light Load Member

    Sep 15, 2011
    Minot ND

    Well, I picked a doosie of a day to return on the patch. Wind chill of -49. But hey, no complaints... this is why there is little job competition and high wages up here, the way America used to be.
  9. dafeeder

    dafeeder Bobtail Member

    Jan 21, 2009
    I see you're saying Power Fuels is a bad company now. What changed with them? I thought they owned or had contracts on a lot of the work. What about MBI?

    What are you doing in ND and what is it paying?
  10. misc

    misc Light Load Member

    Mar 18, 2010
    I might be able to answer that.

    Power Fuels has successfully cut driver compensation. You can only expect to make roughly 60k the first year, and their housing costs 900-1500 a month. They dropped their rates significantly last fall, and drivers are paid on commission so no overtime.
  11. ironmule

    ironmule Light Load Member

    Nov 4, 2011
    Must have been hauling freshwater.
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