oilfield the new adventure begins will keep you updated

Discussion in 'Oilfield Trucking Forum' started by C.B., Sep 1, 2012.

  1. HeWhoMustNotBeNamed

    HeWhoMustNotBeNamed Crusty Pogosticker!!

    Jan 25, 2012
    Cartoon Network
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  3. Giggles the Original

    Giggles the Original Road Train Member

    well CB's boss lost his contracts last monday....so he is having him do yard work right now til he can come up with more work...he wants to stick it out and give him a chance to find more work instead of up and changing jobs.....sooooo will see what happens...

    i am still home sick with bronchitis.....

    so between last week...CB was off 4 days and i was off 3....UNPAID (holiday)..then they lost contracts so instead of his 55 hrs he will get about 35 this week...we both had an early day tues for furn delivery (thank goodness its alrdy paid for)...then i have been off wed thru today cuz of being sick......not good for the ol bank account.....
  4. JimBob24

    JimBob24 Road Train Member

    Apr 27, 2010
    Cedar Creek, WA
    Thanks for the link! Spent the last hour getting caught up with you all's adventures. Wow. I have been home since the middle of Oct. Entering a long term study for my skin ailment (psoriasis). Hoped it would plateau at some level, but nope just kept progressing over entire body. Also have some arthritis which randemly flares from time to time. Mostly in the ankles and feet. I have previously participated in a 5 year study which lead to the release of Stelara. That was a wonder drug and I was clear in 6 weeks.

    That study ended a year ago in January. The disease started coming back last september and progressed to the point that I sought treatment in May. I discovered that each treatment was $5000/quarter. The skin doc also owns the research facility. He informed me that the next generation was in study and I was a prime candidate. So, I have received 3 injections with some improvement. I believe the improvement is largely due to not being OTR and I really have been receiving the placebo. In any event at week 12 I receive the "real thing" for the remainder of the study. Sorry for the lengthy narrative. Cudos to my employer who has allowed me to use the Family Medical act to retain insurance for up to 12 weeks.:biggrin_25514:
  5. JimBob24

    JimBob24 Road Train Member

    Apr 27, 2010
    Cedar Creek, WA
    Get well soon! Thinking positive thoughts for you guys!:biggrin_25515:
  6. Giggles the Original

    Giggles the Original Road Train Member

    dont be sorry....thanks for sharing...wow i am sorry to hear this....i sure hope you find relief soon...wow..so does it hurt??? itch???
    FloTheWaitress Thanks this.
  7. JimBob24

    JimBob24 Road Train Member

    Apr 27, 2010
    Cedar Creek, WA
    In short,,,,YEP. All of the above. It is an immune system malfunction. Your skin reproduces in 5-8 days what normal takes 30. At its worst the skin accumulates much like a scab. What is nasty is it flakes, itches and peels. Then it cracks and bleeds. Not pretty. It has lessened since I have been home, but I don't think it is because of the treatment. Just less stress. Once the medicine kicks in I believe that it will make a huge difference. The meds disable the body's ability to fight tuberculosis. Hence, when you see the TV ads, TB is listed as a possible side effect. They screen you for TB before allowing you to proceed.
    I have been through one successful drug and this is the next generation. Think of Enbrara, humera and stelara as incremental improvements. They start like a 10 gauge shotgun and now are getting to the 4-10. A lot less side effects, but overall better than 70 percent success. The real beauty is there is no cost to us, they pay $40 per visit to cover costs and hopefully, it will benefit folks that draw this lot and maybe lead to a cure. This is only a treatment.
    Giggles the Original Thanks this.
  8. Giggles the Original

    Giggles the Original Road Train Member

    oh wow.....i am so sorry!!!!!
  9. HeWhoMustNotBeNamed

    HeWhoMustNotBeNamed Crusty Pogosticker!!

    Jan 25, 2012
    Cartoon Network
    Sorry to hear about the contracts. Hope it works out for you guys up there. This Oil Patch stuff is real 'patchy' for me as well. Run hard, then "boom" all the wells go down at once !! So we sit and wait for a day or two............or three. Then start to work again. But that's Truckin', no matter what ya haul. Pretty much.
  10. JimBob24

    JimBob24 Road Train Member

    Apr 27, 2010
    Cedar Creek, WA
    Sitting for a day or two.....kind of like a weekend? What is that?:biggrin_2556:
  11. Giggles the Original

    Giggles the Original Road Train Member

    thanks HEWHO....even tho i am mad at you!!!....i texted you to check on ya...and you were short with me....or is it cuz i am alrdy short??? HA HA HA...LOL LOL.....ok nevermind...i still love you....still , reading the msgs between you and i..(yes , i was bored and read ALL of them)...i was rollin.....used to have lots of fun...miss it....

    hey TRASHTRUKCER...how ya doin??? i see ya luring down there...LOL
    HeWhoMustNotBeNamed Thanks this.
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